

David's laziness leads to adultery, lying and murder

2 Sam 11-12
AIM: sin compounds with laziness
A) David's sin of avoidance and objectifying "the woman", goes from lies to the murder of many
1-5) sin committed; David not where he's supposed to be
 - he has a habit of taking wives, an attitude
 - we can get where we aren't supposed to be
 - location can impact our intention. We must guard where we go
 - he sees, desires, takes (like Adam and Eve), we still do this today
 - verse 3 David gets a stop sign from God
 - Sin brings on more sin
6-11) David wants Uriah to look like the father with gifts then manipulation
 - Uriah's behavior is another stop sign
 12-13) David's plan C, murder
14-24) Many die at David's plan
25-27) David shrugs, Bathsheba gives birth, God is displeased
 - Psalm 32 shows us David's inner life during this time.
1-2) Joy when your disobedience is forgiven, to live in complete honesty with God
3-4) The guilt of unconfessed sin sickened us, discipline is heavy
5) Relief comes at the moment of confession of "all sins to you AND stopped trying to hide guilt"
6) "Therefore, let all the godly pray to you while there is still time"
7) God is my hiding place, protection from trouble, surrounds with songs of victory
8-9) "The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life."
10) Sorrows come to wicked, unfailing love surrounds those who trust in the Lord
11) Rejoice in the Lord all who obey, whose hearts are pure!
 - Phil 4:4-7
Principle: Sin no mater well hidden is always seen by God
Application: What is God thinking about what I'm doing right now?
 - Page 4 of BSF notes, way to guard your heart
Sin is like a boomerang that comes back to haunt us.

B) God's grace through accusation
1-4) Story helps us see ourselves: God want David to see his sin, it's the only way to forgiveness
5-6) It's easy to be outraged against someone else doing our sins
7-10) God anointed, king, saved, gave a home
God wants us under the word when we despise his word we have contempt for him
 - Grace is when we are confronted with our sin
11-13) David confesses sin against God, submission to God's word about sin
 - submissive and responsive to God's word about sin
 - Lev 20:10, adultery brings the death penalty

David lost a son for his sin, another son Jesus, died in our place
The sins of parents do not diminish God's love for the child.

He could have circled around this painful time but didn't he moved forward and did what he supposed to do.
Principle: God's grace alone saves us from the penalty of death and sin

Grace and restoration is available

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