

God's X-ray to your heart is your checkbook register

I'm missing Saturday morning time with my BSF guys. Was looking through some notes and found this interesting quote. "God's X-ray to your heart is your checkbook register" or as Jesus said, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matt 6:21

Treasure isn't just money but what we value. We put our treasure first and see our heart is there also. The context is in people who last forever, not things that pass away. Put your treasure in developing your sensitivity towards people and the calling of God.

Get to application focused on my guys
 - Look at gifts I see in my team, how can they apply it.
Issues we relate to:
 - Distraction from God happens in times of need and abundance

This lesson is about praying right, Solomon prayed for wisdom to lead the people.
 - Proverbs 1, the purpose is to understand wisdom and discipline, so that we live disciplined and successful lives. Right, justice and fairness.

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