

God promises today you can have faith to enter heavenly rest (Heb 4:1-13)

A) Why some people don't go to heaven (Heb 4:1-7)
Heb 4:1)Therefore, the promise of God's rest still stands, don' t be found having fallen short of it
 - falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause (Heb 12:15)
 - 2) good news proclaimed had no value because they had no faith
 - 3-5) with faith enter rest, without faith never enter rest - finished since the creation, sabbath rest
 - They treated God with contempt (state of disgrace) (Num 14:23), grumbled against God (Num 14:29)
 6-7) same promise/good news for us TODAY but their disobedience prevented entrance
 - today if you hear his voice, don't harden your hearts (Psalm 95:7,8; Heb 3:7,8,15)
 - Application: God simply wants us to believe/trust Him with the same faith we have in direct deposit, the value of a dollar, the safety of a seat belt. Even more than that he wants us to stay near him like a toddler stays close to mom and dad. Will we let him show us? Will we walk in faith into his promises?
God empowers you to change the world

B) Why some people do go to heaven (Heb 4:8-13)
8-11) Joshua didn't bring rest, because they didn't keep commandments (Joshua 22:1-4,5), same apply to us: Love the Lord your God, walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.
 - in Faith, we rest from our work, when we die in the Lord (Lev 23:3, Rev 14:13)
 - 11) Let us make EVERY EFFORT to enter that rest, so no one will perish following examples of disobedience
Application: Grace and mercy are the two sides of the same coin. Living in grace and blessing is better than mercy and second chance. Will you decide to obey and follow through with obedience?  If you are not experiencing God's blessing, will you consider obeying God?
12) Word of God, alive, active, sword, penetrates soul and spirit, judges thoughts and attitudes of the heart
13) NOTHING is hidden from God's sight, EVERYTHING is uncovered and laid bare before his eyes, to him we must give account.
 - I saw a great illustration of the body, soul (mind/will) and spirit (life source) as three circles with spirit in the middle. As the Bible talks about the heart it shows the spirit is in the heart, but the heart is also intersecting with the soul. The idea is our heart influences our soul (mind and will), but also our body influences our soul. This is described in detail in Gal 5, flesh/body control rather than Spirit control.
Great words mistranslated to mean sentimentalism and reverence to ignorance

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