

Hear God's promise, don't neglect salvation in Jesus (Heb 2)

First hearing of Heb 2 themes that come to mind

  • We who hear God, must not neglect salvation
  • Jesus died for us not angels
  • We are brothers and sisters adopted by God in Christ
  • Jesus is our kinsman redeemer, fully human

A) God's promises carry consequences
2:1) pay careful attention to scriptures, don't drift away
2-3) God's message is binding, violation = just punishment, don't neglect salvation announced by Jesus
3-4) the message confirmed by miracles, gifts of Holy Spirit, according to his will/pleasure
Application: renew in my heart the joy of your salvation. Psalm 51

B) God's promise was fully believed by Jesus as he lived on earth
5-8) God word is for you and me, not angels:
 - mankind, God esteems and gives attention, Job 7:17
 - human beings God cares for them, thinks of them Psalm 144:3
8-9) God made everything under people and subject to people,yet Jesus was made lower than angels a little while, now crowned with glory having suffered death so that by God's grace he might taste death for everyone
 - Nature of servant, human now exalted (Phil 2:7-8,9), humans are lower than angels (Heb 2:7)
10-13) God so it fitting that Jesus would suffer for us - so the one who makes holy and those made holy are in the same family - Jesus is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters (Psalm 22:22, 68:26)
 - Jesus trusted God in this (Isaiah 8:17), we are given to Jesus (Isaiah 8:18, John 10:29)
14-15) Jesus had flesh like us, shared in humanity, to break the power of the devil (death), free us from fear of death
16-17) Jesus was made like us to become merciful, faithful high priest in service to God, atoning for our sins
18) he suffered when tempted, he's able to help those being tempted.
Application: Great lessons in living the Christian life. Following Jesus means we live as he lived in service to God.

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