

How is it determined that someone will go to Hell in Christianity?

 On Thursday this week we had our annual Inter-Faith Dialog at work. Representatives from Muslim, Jewish, and Christian faiths talked about death and the afterlife. We had over 75 people attending and answered pre-arranged questions.

We allowed participants to ask follow-up questions in chat and one person asked, "How is it determined that someone will go to Hell in Christianity?"

I thought about Hell as an experience for those not dressed (Matthew 22:2-14), the parable is like "you believed but why didn't put on the clothes?" God's makes the way, but we walk the path by Faith.

My approach to a conversation with her is not to preach but listen and hear her questions and concerns. Then work towards responding Biblically and compassionately - what started conversationally did get preachy, but she was kind and will hopefully want to join our little group meetings on Tuesdays. 

So here's how it went, I scheduled a meeting Friday, asked about her background and shared my testimony: When we see our value in God's eyes our lives change (Psalm 139). I shared that Jesus' death on the cross removed the barrier to God, and God has sent his Spirit to remind us of Jesus and trust in Him. People ultimately go to Hell because they reject God and I read John 3:16-21,36. She hadn't heard that before and thanked me for sharing with her. She really enjoyed the dialog and expressed an interest to continue. 

Here's the deeper explanation I prepared, I love the challenge to try and condense big ideas into a nutshell, as I do this it ends up growing and making more fruit than I can communicate. It's fun to allow the Lord to guide me in his truths.

John 3:16-21,36;2 Peter 3:9;15; Romans 1:18-25; Romans 2:14; Acts 2:17; Romans 11:29; Matt 12:31

God has made himself known generally in the creation and available to all people specifically through Christ. Because of Jesus (life/death/resurrection/sending his Spirit), we are in this Grace period where he is pouring out his Spirit on all people. This is the call to repent (turn to God) and believe (trust) and it’s irrevocable. The only reason for anyone to be separated from God is by rejecting God’s truth, rejecting God himself - this is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit – the only thing left that can never be undone once we die in this life.

Psalm 139:23–24” ‘Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.’

God call us into a relationship with Him, he’s ready to answer your question with the same measure you respond to him. 

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