

Ishmael born into dis-functional family (Gen 16)

A) Getting ahead of God leads to Suffering

 16:1-3) Sarai, Abram take Egyptian Hagar for family

3-5) Canaan 10 years, Sarai gave slave Hagar wife to Abram, pregnant three-way suffering

6-8) Sarai mistreats Hagar, fled, angel of LORD found near spring desert, inquires where going?

Principle: God sends messengers to help us back

B) God's word brings courage to bear relational burdens

9-12) Go back, submit, I will increase descendants, Ishmael, wild, against everyone, hostility brothers

 - Gen 29:32 Leah Reuban, "LORD seen my affliction, Surely my husband will love me now"

 - 1 Samuel 1:20, Hannah Samuel, "Because I have asked him of the LORD"

13-15) Hagar name's LORD who spoke "You are the God who sees me, I have now seen the One who sees me" Beer Lahai Roi, Kadesh, Bered. Abram 86 Ishamael born

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