

Covenant of circumcision, Abraham washes feet receiving the promise (Gen 17-18:15)

Big Idea: Covenant, believing God's promises, Guiding versus controlling

A) God makes the covenant of circumcision with Abraham and Sarah's Isaac

 17:1-2) Abram 99 LORD appeared, "I am God Almighty; walk before me faithfully and be blameless, then I will make my covenant, increase your numbers"

3-8) Abram facedown, God "covenant: father of many nations, Abraham. I make fruitful, I will establish an everlasting covenant, descendants"

9-14) "You, descendants must keep the covenant, every male circumcised 8 days old, not circumcised in flesh, cut off from people, broken covenant"

 - Exodus 4:24) LORD confronted Moses, going to kill him

 - Exodus 12:15) eighth day remove yeast, Exodus 30 :33) separation, Lev 23:29) be humble

 - Application: In Him, you were also circumcised in the putting off of your sinful nature, with the circumcision performed by Christ and not by human hands. Colossians 2:11

 - Gal 5:6) circumcision (by men) doesn't matter, what matters is faith expressing itself in love. Love God with a cut heart

15-16) Sarai is Sarah, she'll give you a son, mother of nations, kings from her

17-18) Abraham facedown, laughed, "we're old, Ishamael blessing?"

19-22) "Isaac, I will establish an everlasting covenant with descendants, Ishamael blessed, fruitful, 12 rulers, great nation

23-27) Abraham circumcised everyone, 99, Ishamael 13

B) LORD appears, three men prophesy, as Abraham washes feet and serves

18:1-2) LORD appeared to Abraham great tree of Mamre, three men, bowed

3-5) Favor in your eyes, let me wash your feet, rest under this tree, something to eat, refreshed, I'm your servant

6) Abraham, Sarah, "Quick, 3 seahs of finest flour, bread"

7-8) Choice calf prepared, curds, milk, waited under tree

9-12) Where's Sarah? next year she'll have your son, Sarah listened and laughed "Old, now have this pleasure?"

13-15) LORD to Abraham "Why Sarah laughs, doubts, anything too hard for LORD?" Sarah afraid lied, but couldn't hide

Principle: genuine service brings revelation of God's will for our lives


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