

Words to live by, Obey, Cleave and exalt God in your life

Every decision we make has consequences. Decide God is trustworthy. 

Submit yourself to God's Word. Believe what you read, not just reading what you believe. 

Deut 4:4) What does it mean to cleave to God.

 - clinging to in order be safe (like a  railing or a later). 

Spiritual safety, 2 Tim 3:16 - Doctrine (what is right), Reproof (not right), correction (get right), instruction in righteousness (stay right).

Deut 4:5-8) blessed because of God. Wisdom/understanding, relationship with God is greatness. 

Psalm 73:25-26

Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.

Psalms 73:25‭-‬26 NLT

"My portion" KJV

Job 21

Words to live by, Keep God exalted in your life 

Deut 4:9-10) Don't let God's goodness to slip from your mind. Don't forget, rather teach them to your kids and grandchildren. 2 generations of radical influence. People are watching you and me. Share the experience of how God is leading you. Do they know how you got saved? When/where/how. How has God met your needs. They need to see the reality of Jesus in our lives.

Proverbs 22:6, teach, they won't depart. It's a hopeful principle. 

Adam and Eve were children who disobeyed their heavenly father. 

Deut 4:11-28) God hates idolatry, Isaiah 42:8, 

God, the Lord , created the heavens and stretched them out. He created the earth and everything in it. He gives breath to everyone, life to everyone who walks the earth. And it is he who says, “I am the Lord ; that is my name! I will not give my glory to anyone else, nor share my praise with carved idols. Everything I prophesied has come true, and now I will prophesy again. I will tell you the future before it happens.”

Isaiah 42:5‭, ‬8‭-‬9 NLT

Keith and Joy Shefler from Englewood FL

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