

Doctrine of Election is God's irrevocable call for everyone (Genesis 25:23)

I'm preparing to teach the Doctrine of God's Election, his choice in saving some and not others. The key point is that without God's intervention, all people, those elected for salvation and those who do not come to Christ, are equally undeserving of God’s grace. Election means that God calls specific people to faith, and we know how this happens when we read Romans. All of Romans from Romans 1:1,16;16:25

Romans 1:1) Letter Paul, slave of Christ Jesus, called/chosen apostle, set apart gospel of God

 - Romans 11:29 God's gifts and call are irrevocable. Gospel is for everyone, clarion call to repent and believe God (See John 3:15-21, for people to reject is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit - unpardonable sin Matt 12:31)

 - Romans 12:4 One body, different members/function

- Application: it matters that you are here, "You will always underestimate the impact of your absence in time and eternity." Greg Stratford, BSF Teaching Leader. Some are called to be husband/wife/father/mother while others like Paul are set apart for the Gospel of God.

Some of us are like the prodigal son, we're drowning in drudgery but God's Spirit reminds us, "my yoke is easy and my burden is light" - God is watching you decide to come home and is getting things prepared. The whole point of Jesus in Luke 15: God loves people but people easily miss what love looks like. Jesus is the cornerstone, joining sinners to Pharisees. Holiness extends grace abundantly. Are you the lost son in the story or are you the angry stay at home son? 

Some of us have thought Election means it's God's problem. Yet Romans 1:5-7 says that through Christ, God gave us; grace/privilege authority apostles to tell Gentiles to believe/obey bring glory to his name. 7) all in Rome, loved by God, called to be his holy people.

 - Apostle: first successful Christian missionary in a country or to a people. "One who is sent off"

 - The good news of God comes with privilege and burden (authority and work) 

Religion focus vs Jesus focus

Election properly applied leads to Gospel-centered living and sharing.

Election improperly applied lulls us to sleepy inaction disguised as "trusting God" or getting ahead of God in declaring people a lost cause.

 - Longevity trap: long time not love. How much do you love? Not, how long have you believed? 

 - Works trap: I've served...God owes me. Is God your boss or your father? Do you enjoy him? 

 - Graceless: God loves people who stay, more than those who stray. Putting yourself on a pedestal. 

So when thinking of Election don't just eat the popcorn of a few verses, enjoy the meal and have energy and enthusiasm in your ministry; Genesis 25:23, 31-34; Romans 9:10-13;Mal 1:2-3

Romans 16:25, NLT: "Now all glory to God, who is able to make you strong, just as my Good News says. This message about Jesus Christ has revealed his plan for you Gentiles, a plan kept secret from the beginning of time."

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