

Jacob blessed by God to bless his estranged brother Esau (Gen 32-33)

Gen 32-33 

A) Jacob prepared, prayed, and sent gifts ahead to Esau (Gen 32:1-21) 

 1-2) Angles of God meet Jacob, seeing them Jacob said this is the camp of God (Mahanaim)

 - The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Psalm 34:7

3-5) Jacob's messengers to explain to Esau humble servant, favor in your eyes

 - 2 Kings 6:8-23; Psalm 34:7; Daniel 6:22; 1 Corinthians 6:2-3; Hebrews 1:14

 - 2 Kings Men of God, wisdom in working with people, confidence in God, Daniel 6:22 God shuts the mouths of lions, 1 Cor 6:3, competent judgment, Hebrews 1:14, God sends ministering spirits to us

6-8) Esau responds with 400 men, so Jacob divides his group so a remnant will live

 - Jacob cheated Esau when they were younger Genesis 25:27-34; 27:35-41; 32:6

9-12) Jacob prayed, calling out to God, repenting, confessing unworthiness, and promises - asking for salvation

13-16) Spent the night there, selected gifts for Esau, his best wealth-producing assets in spaces to meet Esau

17-21) Instruction; lead with gifts, belong to your servant Jacob, gift to lord Esau, Jacob coming behind us. Second night

B) Jacob encountered God at Peniel (face of God) (Gen 32:22-32)

22-26) that night, alone Jacob wrestled with a man who couldn't overpower him but could wrench his hip with a touch - "let go", "not until you bless me"

27-32) Your name is Israel, "you struggled with God and humans and overcome"

C) Jacob and Esau reconciled (Gen 33)

33:1-9) Esau asks why the gifts, "to find favor in your eyes, my lord" - yet Esau had plenty

10-15) Esau wants to accompany, but Jacob just wanted favor and distance

16-20) Esau back to Seir, Jacob to Sukkoth and built shelters, Paddan Aram 100 silver bought from Hamor, father of Shechem the ground - El Elohe Israel

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