

Jacob served Laban for 20 years, then left for Canaan (Gen 30-31)

 (Gen 30-31)

God’s eternal purpose through Israel was to bless all people through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. 23 times in this passage, God is mentioned as showing people what he is doing in family and generations. God's role is understood by these flawed people in sorrow and joy. The Doctrine of Eternal Security is based on the finished work of Jesus Christ (John 10:27-30; Romans 8:31-39; Ephesians 1:13-14). I love how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work together in our salvation. We sin less now by the power of God's discipline, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace (Proverbs 3:11-12; Hebrews 12:4-12). Those who believe, know, and love Jesus will inherit eternal life. Eternal life begins as soon as we become God’s child and never ends. By God's grace, we experience new life rather than imitating Jesus, we trust Him and in trusting experience eternal life. Satisfying reality is found in the living person of Jesus Christ.

 - God kept Rachel from having children (Gen 30:2), God vindicated Rachel with a son (Gen 30:6)

 - God listened to Leah (Gen 30:17), rewarded her (Gen 30:18)

 - God remembered Rachel, listened and enabled her to conceive (Gen 30:22), God took away her disgrace (Gen 30:23)

 - God has been with Jacob (Gen 31:5), during change God didn't allow harm (Gen 31:7)

 - God takes away from evildoers and gives to the righteous (Gen 31:9)

 - God speaks in Jacob's dream (Gen 31:11) reminds us of our vows (Gen 31:13), God's faithfulness in the past is a reason to trust in the future (Gen 31:16)

 - God reveals wisdom in silence to all people (Gen 31:24), yet people don't listen to disastrous effect (Gen 31:26-32), his wisdom interpreted from the opposing side as a rebuke (Gen 31:42)

 - God is a witness (Gen 31:50), God is personal to people (Gen 31:53)

A) Jacob's family grows with faith and disfunction

1-2) Rachel, jealous and dramatic about no children, Jacob points to God (truthful, not compassionate)

3-8) Rachel gives Bilhah to Jacob begets Dan - God vindicated, listened, Naphtali - struggle with sister I won

9-13) Leah gives Zilpah to Jacob begets Gad - what a fortune, Asher - Happy

14-16) Rachel wants mandrakes, Leah agrees but only if she sleeps with Jacob

17-21) Leah and Jacob 5)Issachar - God rewarded me for Zilphah, 6)Zebulun - "my husband will treat me with honor", Dinah - daughter

22-24) God remembered Rachel, listened "God taken away my disgrace" Joseph "May the LORD add to me another son"

B) Jacob schemes to leave Laban and follow God, yet the family is not "all in" on God's plan

25-33) Jacob asks Laban to leave, not with wages but speckled, spotted sheep and goats

 - My honesty will testify for me (Gen 30:33), An honest witness does not deceive (Proverbs 14:5)

34-43) Leban agrees and while Jacob cares for Leban's flocks, he breads the best for himself

31:1-2) Leban's son take notice, Jacob increases while Leban decreases

3-13) LORD tells Jacob "go back home", Leban's a cheat so God took from him, gave to Jacob

14-21) Rachel and Leah agree to follow God's instruction but steal Laban's household gods (divination 30:27), deceive (withholding truth) Laban 

 - “‘Do not steal. “‘Do not lie. “‘Do not deceive one another. (Lev 19:11)

 - "The serpent deceived me and I ate" Gen 3:13

C) Laban and Jacob come to covenant terms with God's help.

22-24) Laban chases Jacob after seven days Gilead, God in a dream "Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, good or bad"

25-30) Laban says you deceived me, ran away with family, stole my gods - I have power but your God said be careful

31-32) Jacob agrees if gods are found, put that person to death not knowing Rachel had them

33-35) Rachel hid them under herself and said she was on period

36-42) Jacob argues 20 years of service, God with me and rebuked Laban

43-54) Laban and Jacob make a covenant, stones, sacrifice, meal, and God is the witness (Fear) 

 - One true God made himself know to the uncommitted believer Laban, Laban was an idol worshiper, used divination, and yet had the revelation about Jacob's God. 

  - 55) after the night, Laban left in peace

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