

Brothers second encounter with Joseph leads to Benjamins capture (Gen 43-44)

 Gen 43-44

AIM: God softens hearts with famine, generosity, and responsibility so people will acknowledge sin.

A) Judah convinces Israel to let Benjamin go with them to get food and Simeon (Gen 43:1-16)

B) Brothers received generous blessings from Joseph (Gen 43:17-34)

C) Joseph tricks brothers to capture Benjamin (Gen 44:1-17)

D) Judah takes responsibility and asks to be a substitute slave (Gen 44:18-34)


43:1-5) Israel tells sons to get more food, but Judah reminds him that Benjamin needs to go (Gen 42:15)

6-10) time passes, Judah will be personally responsible for Benjamin - to save everyone

11-16) Israel instructs; double payment, best gifts, asks for God's mercy; Joseph welcomes them 

17-22) Brothers think Joseph's welcome is a trick, so they counter with confession and money

23-25) "Don't be afraid, your God, God your father gave you treasure," wash feet, fodder, gifts, Simeon returned

26-30) Joseph's brothers bow down, say Isreal is your servant, to Benjamin God be gracious to you and wept alone

31-34) Joseph collects self and everyone eats alone, brothers seated from firstborn to youngest - Benjamin gets 5 times as anyone else

 - Joseph's knowledge about the brothers is perceived as divination

44:1-5) Joseph instructs - generous food, all silver - my cup in Benjamin's sack, catch them with the cup

 - cup of divination (Laban understands LORD blessing Gen 30:27), divination forbade (Deut 18:10-14), rebellion is like the sin of divination, arrogance like the evil of idolatry (1 Sam 15:23)

 - Mediums, spiritists defile people (Lev 19:31) death of children is a sign (2 Kings 21:6)

6-10) Brothers innocent boast agree to let the one with the cup be a slave and they'll all go free

11-15) Benjamin found with cup, brothers tore clothes-returned to Joseph who claims divination

16) Judah, speechless, innocent? "God uncovered our guilt", honor our boast to be slaves

17) Joseph takes Benjamin allows rest to their father in peace

18-34) Judah explains Benjamin importance to Israel and asks to take his place as a slave

 - Jesus (from the line of Judah) took our place on the cross

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