

Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dream and saves the world from famine (Gen 41-42)

 Gen 41-42

A) God gives Pharaoh a prophet dream that Joseph interprets

41:1-4) 2 years later, Pharaoh dreams of 7 fat cows out of nile, then 7 ugly cows that ate the first

5-7) He then dreamed of 7 heads of grain, followed by 7 other heads that swallowed the first

8-13) Magicians and wise men couldn't interpret his dream, but the cupbearer told Pharaoh about Joseph

14-16) Pharaoh sent for Joseph to interpret but Joseph can't but God will

 - Principle: be humble and trust God's will

17-24) Pharaoh tells Jospeph both dreams, that no one could explain it

25-32) Joseph; dreams are the same, God revealed what he is about to do; 7 good years abundance, 7 bad years famine

Application: how do I demonstrate my service to others is dependant on God?

B) Joseph goes the extra mile with a wise plan, gets promoted and has a family

33-36) Joseph suggests, a discerning, wise man in charge - save 20% food reserves for famine

37-40) Pharaoh, officials agree Joseph has the spirit of God and puts Joseph in charge

 - spirit of leadership (Numbers 27:18), spirit of wisdom (Deuteronomy 34:9), insight, intelligence, outstanding wisdom (Daniel 5:14)

 - Do more than asked or expected (Matthew 5:41), Go the extra mile

 - (Matthew 5:38-48) don’t resist evil people...give more than asked or required (from adversary, under duress or someone without means), love enemies, pray for persecutors, like true children of God: light, rain to all, perfect love cares for enemies like family

41-45) Pharaoh's signet ring, robes, gold chain, chariot, name:Zaphenath Paneah, wife: Asenath of Potiphera priest - for Joseph second in command

46-49) Joseph 30, traveled, collected food - stored in cities, like sand on sea to much to count

50-52) Joseph had Manasseh "God made me forget trouble of father's household", Ephraim "God made me fruitful in land of suffering"

C) Famine brings Jacob's sons to Jospeph who tests them

53-57) famine came, Pharaoh said Go to Joseph and do what he tells you (John 2:5), Joseph opened storehouses, cold grain to the world (Malachi 3:10)

Principle: God blesses saving of faithful, wise servants

42:1-7) Jacob's 10 sons (not Benjamin) came to Joseph for food who treated the as stranger

8-17) Joseph remembered his dreams, accused them of spying, prison 3 days send one to get Benjamin. 

 - Three Days, recurring theme in the Bible for changing your heart

18-23) On third day, Joseph; "do this and you will live, for I fear God", leave one take grain to your household but bring back youngest to me

 - test them, "if you are honest men"

 - distress over past sins, give an accounting for how they treated Jospeh

24-28) Jospeph wept, had Simeon bound - filled bags grain and silver, brothers feared "what has God done to us?"

29-38) Brothers tell Jacob all that happened, seeing the money + grain Jacob doesn't believe Reuben no harm will come to Benjamin

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