

Family of God must honor the Lord or perish (Hosea 5)

 Hosea 5

Key verses:

“The arrogance ...load of guilt...When they come to offer sacrifices to the Lord, they will not find him, because he has withdrawn from them. They have betrayed the honor of the Lord, bearing children that are not his. Now their false religion will devour them along with their wealth" - Hosea 5:5-7

Then I will return to my place until they admit their guilt and turn to me. For as soon as trouble comes, they will earnestly search for me.” Hosea 5:15

A) Leaders pointing to anything other than God lead others into a trap

5:1) Priests, leaders of Israel, royal family - judgment againt you, led people into idol worship snare at Mizpah and Tabor

 - Mizpah - Means watchtower where God watches covenant (Genesis 31:49), Where pray and fasting occur (1 Samuel 7:5-6), here I raise my Ebenezer "the stone of help" (1 Sam 7:12, Jehovahjireh Lord will provide  Gen 22:14)

2-3) dug deep pit-trap, you can't hide - left Lord as prostitute leaves husband, defiled

B) These leaders don't know the LORD and will perish

4) Deeds won't let you return to God, prostitute - you don't know the LORD

 - Knowledge that is experienced leads to understanding, surrender, love, and obedience

Geysers, planters and pruners: How people are born into and matured in the Faith

5-7) arrogance testifies, stumble under load of guilt - going to sacrifice to the LORD, has withdrawn from them, false converts

8-9) Sound alarm, raise battle cry "Beth-aven", warriors of Benjamin

10-12) Leaders become like thieves, so anger/crushed/broken by God's judgment because they are determined to worship idols - weak as rotten wood

13-14) Seeing self sick turned to Assyria, couldn't help or cure. lion of Judah carries them off no one will be left to rescue them

C) God will stay away until people admit guilt and earnestly search for him

15) Then I will return to my place until they admit their guilt and turn to me. For as soon as trouble comes, they will earnestly search for me.”

Thank you Father for guiding me in truth of your word and warning me. Let me take this warning to heart as I lead. Forgive me Lord for my arrogance and pride. Lead me into your way of everlasting. Yes Lord your word is truth. 

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