

Fellowship is Christ's answer to loneliness, joy is His answer to emptiness

I was searching for a way to have a difficult conversation with a co-worker today and came across Fellowship with God: obedience, love, and truth (1 John 3:7). It helped me realize I need to come to the table with my faults and own the fact that I don't have all the answers. I really like Vital Smarts Crucial Conversations method of preparation conversations where stakes are high, opinions differ and emotions are strong. The goal is to build a stronger relationship while solving problems. 

  1. Prepare by Starting with your heart:
    1. Identify motivation: what do I want for me, the team, and the relationship? What's my motivation? 
    2. What are the facts? How did I get here?
    3. What is our mutual purpose, and desired outcome?
  2. At the beginning of the meeting
    1. Get buy-in, agree to have the conversation now. If not reschedule.
    2. Clarify and agree there is an issue. Identify what the issue is clearly articulate what a successful resolution would look like for both parties.
  3. During the meeting, make it safe
    1. Respect and care about their interest as much as my own
    2. Invite dialog and listen
  4. End the meeting with an action plan
    1. Who will do What by When and followup

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