

Jesus authorizes 72 workers into his Fathers fields (Luke 10:1-24)

 Luke 10:1-2) Jesus appointed 72 others, sent two by two everywhere he was going, "Harvest plentiful, workers few, ask Lord of harvest to send workers

 - Jesus demonstrates how bringing people to faith can nourish us

3-4)  lambs among wolves, no money, bag, extra sandals, don't stop on the road

5-7) enter a home, "may God's peace be on this house", a blessing for peaceful, stay, accept hospitality

8-12) Town welcomes, eat, heal sick "Kingdom of God, has come near you", unwelcomed, "dust from our feet, warning you, Kingdom of God has come near. (Sodom)"

 - Abram demonstrates living by faith, Lot and Sodom a lifestyle of disaster (Gen 13-14)

 - Covenant of circumcision, Abraham washes feet receiving the promise (Gen 17-18:15)

 - Abraham intercedes before Sodom is destroyed with Lot's wife (Gen 18:16-19, Luke 17:32)

13-16) Woe, sorrow awaits you, towns who reject miracles, blessing, repentance, God's message, God's people, God himself

17) seventy-two returned joyfully, "Lord, even demons obey/submit in your name"

18-24) I gave you authority, overcome power of enemy, rejoice in heaven, full of joy/Holy Spirit - praise Father, Lord of heaven and earth, revealed to children, pleased, everything committed/entrusted to Jesus, "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see"

 - Eyes that see, ears that hear and heart that understands

 - So cool Luke shows me the parable of Sower and teaching extended through experience and time

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