

Jesus teaches how faith listens and works with God (Luke 10:25-11:13)

A) Eternal life comes to those who love God and show mercy to people (Luke 10:25-37)

B) Listening to God's Word is the only thing worth our concern (Luke 10:38-42)

C) Jesus teaches about our role and God's role in Prayer (Luke 11:1-13,John 16:16-33)

Luke 10:25-28) Religious expert, "what should I do to inherit eternal life?", "Love Lord your God heart, soul, strength, mind, neighbor as yourself"

 - Love (Agapēseis) God, Love (Agapēseis) People

 - 10 types of people, those who understand binary and those who don't

Luke 10:29-37) "who is my neighbor?", your neighbor (includes non-believer and enemies who are left for dead by the world, . (Matthew 25:34-36) Feed the hungry, give water to thirsty, give clothing to naked, care for the sick, visit the imprisoned

 - Those belonging to Christ live by the Spirit, not selfishly (Romans 8:1-16)

 - My neighbor is about opportunity not geography (James 2:1-13)

Luke 10:38-42) Martha welcomes Jesus, in preparation for big dinner is distracted away from Jesus, Mary was focused on Jesus teaching, the only thing worth being concerned about.

 - James affirms Jesus words on who we should live to become

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