

Heaven is like a wedding feast, you're invited but will you show up? (Matthew 22:1-14)

This week I got to participate in a weekend to remember with Kim. We learned that no marriage is static, we are either moving towards oneness or drifting towards isolation. I discovered my tendency for shallow, cliche, level 1 conversation they defined as "non-sharing." My personality (Enneagram 3) leans towards this. Having renewed my vows yesterday, I'm taking this moment to move from Level 5 phoniness to integrity. Like when I first was married I quit smoking for good, now I quit drinking alcohol for good. I'm grateful to God for friends and circumstances that help me to see which way to go but also when to stop and take in the moment. God invites us to remember his goodness and to be ready to celebrate with him. I've updated my core values, adding sobriety to the list. 

Matthew 22:1-14 has the last of 10 Kingdom of heaven is like parables. Parables of Jesus are primarily about Salvation

1-3)  Kingdom of heaven, king wedding banquet for son, telling invited to come but they refused.

4-7) "it's wonderful and ready" come, yet paid no attention went off; field, business, anti-christ, king enraged destroyed them

8-10) Invited were undeserving, so servants ALL they could find, bad and good filled the hall with guests.

God makes saving faith available to all people, yet some reject it

11-13) Guest without wedding clothes, speechless, thrown out.

Rags to Riches, how the Holy Spirit changes us everyday, remember God becomes like clothing to me (Job 30:18, Matthew 16:24-28)

14) Many invited few are chosen 

(none of those men who were invited [and rejected the offer because they had other things to do] shall taste my banquet Luke 14:24)

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Luke 14:11

Be careful and guarded against hypocrisy and learned-deception (Matthew 16:1-12)

For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just. Luke 14:14

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