

Experience blessing for pleasing God or disaster for provoking his anger (1 Kings 15-16)

 1 Kings 15-18

Big Idea: We are held accountable for our actions regardless of our father's influence

AIM: Heart fidelity is proved by action God sees. 

15:1-8) Abijam, 3-year reign, same sins as father - for David's sake son Asa next king

9-23) Asa 41 years, pleasing in LORD's sight (Coram Deo), courageous deposed grandmother for obscene Asherah pole, made a wise treaty with Ben-hadad, distracting his attacker, Jehoshaphat next king

 - 14) heart remained completely faithful to the LORD, 23) old age feet became diseased

 - Principle: God creates and sustains a remnant. 

25-31) Nadab ruled Israel 2 years, evil example/sins of father Jeroboam, leading the nation to sin, Baasha killed all Jeroboam's descendants

15:32-16:7) constant war, 24 year reign, evil in LORD's sight, Jehu Hanani LORD's message "I made you ruler, you followed evil example, your legacy is destroyed"

 - LORD's anger provoked (1 Kings 15:30;16:7,13,26), Jeremiah 8:19

 - Consequences of provoking the LORD's anger Deuteronomy 32, Deut 32:19

8-14) Elah, 2 years, drunk Zimri killed him and killed all his family fulfilling Jehu prophecy 

15-20) Omri became king, Zimri burned himself, having done evil in Lord's sight

21-28) Omri killed rival Tibni, 12 year reign - bought Samaria from Shemer 150 pounds of silver, example of Jeroboam, evil, worthless idols

29-34) Omri, evil, worse than others, married Jezebel, worshiped Baal, setup Asherah pole, Jericho rebuilt costing life of oldest and youngest sons.

 - Application: Why am I thinking of rebuilding Jericho? Thank the Lord for the history lesson and for waking me up. Having lived foolishly it's right to turn away from the old me and start a new day in the presence of God, to do what is pleasing to him. 

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