

Faith and repentance are made possible by Elijah's dedication to God (1 Kings 17-18)

 1 Kings 17-18

AIM: Being faithful with the small things, leads to faithfulness with the large things

Focus verse:

Then Elijah stood in front of them and said, “How much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him! But if Baal is God, then follow him!” But the people were completely silent. - 1 Kings 18:21 

A) God gives prophetic revelation and miracles to bring faith to those he calls

17:1) Elijah to Ahab, God of Israel lives, God I serve, no dew or rain for few years

 - Specific yet general revelation

2-7) LORD to Elijah, go east, hide water enter Jordan, drink, ravens bring food (bread and meat)

8-16) Go, live in a village Zarephath, Sidon, widow instructed yet called by Elijah for food and promised blessing

17-24) widow's son dies and blames Elijah, a man of God, he cries out to God, revived son, which results in faith

 - Specific personal revelation, instruction for faith

Personal testimony: I've encountered specific personal revelation and instruction that has helped many come to faith. 

B) Elijah and his friends obey God, helping Israel see the folly of false Gods and come to repentance

18:1-2) Lord to Elijah 3rd year of drought, present self to Ahab and he did

 - 2b-6) famine severe, Ahab to Obadiah find grass to save livestock, (Obadiah devoted follower of LORD, protected 100 prophets from Jezebel)

7-14) Obadiah sees Elijah, recognized him, and is troubled by the command to tell Ahab, fearing abandonment and death

15-21) Elijah under oath, confronts Ahab - you are the trouble maker, bring 850 false prophets and all Israel to Carmel, to people choose between God or Baal but they were silent

 - Application: Silence comes from ignorance which breeds indecision, which makes us susceptible to falling into the trap of evil people.  

22-40) One man of God outperforms all false prophets in a stunning turnaround. Israel comes to faith in God, face down, and cried out LORD is God.

41-46) Elijah to Ahab might rainstorm coming, seven times Go, look toward the sea a small cloud appears and Lord gave special strength to Elijah going ahead of Ahab to Jezreel

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