

Abraham intercedes before Sodom is destroyed with Lot's wife (Gen 18:16-19, Luke 17:32)

Gen 18:16-19:38 

Focus Verses

"Then the Lord said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.” - Gen 19:20-21

“So when God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham, and he brought Lot out of the catastrophe that overthrew the cities where Lot had lived.” – Genesis 19:29

God's Wrath

A) Abraham interceded with God 6 times for Sodom and Gomorrah.

16-19) Lord reminds Abraham promises, chosen to keep the way of the LORD, doing right/just so LORD will bring about the promise

20-21) Lord "outcry against Sodom/Gomorrah, sin grievous, I'll see for myself"

22-25) two men went to Sodom, Abraham intercedes w/ Lord destroy righteous w/ wicked? Judge

26) Lord, "whole place spared for 50"

27-33) Abraham "bold, yet dust and ashes, 45,40,30,20,10

Principle: God wants us to know him in conversational prayer. 

Application: When the grievous sin of people comes to mind how much do I intercede for the righteous who are tormented by it? Lord let my disgust turn into hope for rescue and reconciliation with the righteous ones. 

19:1-2) two angels, to Sodom's square evening Lot bows, stay with me tonight leave early

3-5) Lot prepares meal, every male in city surrounded house to have sex with angels

6-8) Lot "my friends don't do this wicked, take my virgin daughters instead, I protect them"

9-11) "you foreigner, now judge" they pressured but angels pulled Lot in, shut door, struck doormen with blindness

12-13) Angels "any family here? we're destroying because outcry to the LORD against its people is great"

14-15) Lot spoke to sons-in-law, they thought he was joking, angels urged LOT to leave or die

16-17) they took him by the hand, led to safety "As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!”

 - This is where Dan C became a Christian, a preacher took this passage with the two men on the cross next to Jesus, one repented the other mocked. (Luke 23:32-55)

 - God sends us to help others and give warning as well, Lord help me not to miss your call.

18-22) Lot argues, pleads for a smaller city Zoar instead of the mountains, angels spare this city because of Lot

23-26) Sunrise, LORD rained down burning sulfur, destroying all the living in the land, Lot's wife looked back and became a pillar of salt

From GotQuestions: She lagged behind. She turned and watched the flaming sulfur fall from the sky, consuming everything she valued. Then it consumed her. The Hebrew for “looked back” means more than to glance over one’s shoulder. It means “to regard, to consider, to pay attention to.” The Scriptures don’t say whether her death was a punishment for valuing her old life so much that she hesitated in obeying, or if it was a simple consequence of her reluctance to leave her life quickly. Either she identified too much with the city—and joined it—or she neglected to fully obey God’s warning, and she died....Hebrew for “pillar” refers to a garrison or a deputy, that is, something set to watch over something else. The image of Lot’s wife standing watch over the Dead Sea area—where to this day no life can exist—is a poignant reminder to us not to look back or turn back from the profession of faith we have made, but to follow Christ without hesitation and abide in His love (Luke 17:32).

- Eph 4:22-24, take off the old self that is ruled by sin and put on the new self that is in the likeness of God

 - 1 John 5:16, willful deliberate sin can lead to death 

27-29) Abraham sees Sodom and Gomorrah burning, God remembered Abraham and brought Lot out

30-38) Lot's daughters get him drunk and have Moab and Ben-Ammi (Ammonites)

 - Enemies to Isreal yet in the Geneology of Jesus (Naomi sees redemption through Ruth, Boaz, and Obed (Ruth 1-4)

Genesis 19:1-14; Ezekiel 16:49-50; 2 Peter 2:5-11

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