

Abraham leaves everything to Isaac who has Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25-26)

Genesis 25-26

A) Abraham has many more children but leaves everything to Isaac

1-4) Abraham, second wife Keturah, Zimran, Jokshan (Sheba, Dedan(Ashurites, Letushites, Leummites)), Medan, Midian(Ephah, Epher, Hanok, Abida, Eldaah), Ishbak, Shuah

5-6) Abraham left everything to Isaac, but while alive gave gifts to sons of concubines, sent far east

7-11) Abraham 175, Isaac and Ishmael buried him cave Machpelah w/Sarah

12-18) Ishmael (137) sons/12 tribal leaders: Nebaioth, Kedar, Adbeel, Misbasam, Mishma, Dumah, Massa, Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, Kedemah. Eastern border of Egypt, hostility all relations

B) Prayful Isaac has twins Esau (dad's son) and Jacob (mom's son)

19-23) Isaac 40, married Rebekah, Isaac prayed on her behalf; pregnant twins; Lord to Rebekah two nations, separated, one stronger, older will serve younger

 - Doctrine of Election is God's irrevocable call for everyone (Genesis 25:23)

 - Relational Consequence with God and People John 15-6: "You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. This is my command: Love each other. - John 15:16-17, I have told you these things so that you won’t abandon your faith - John 16:1"

 - Eternal security, assurance of salvation

24-26) firstborn red, hairy Esau, second grasping Esau's heel Jacob; Issac 60

27-30) Esau skillful hunter, Jacob stay at home loved Esau's food, Rebekah loved Jacob, hungry Esau/Edom, famished!

31-34) Jacob, "First, sell me your birthright", Esau agrees swore an oath, ate, drank, left, "Esau despised his birthright"

God's promises and sovereign will, seen in our lives (Romans 9:1-19)

 - God's purpose, election (not works but him who calls)

C) Blessed Isaac successful in life struggles with God, Esau brings grief

26:1-6) Famine, Isaac to Abimelek- Philistines; Lord appears; don't go to Egypt, stay where I tell you, I will be with you/bless you. Confirm oath to Abraham, numerous as stars, through offspring all nations on earth blessed because Abraham obeyed me, did everything I required of him, keeping my commands, decrees, instructions (Gen 26:5).

7-9) Isaac uses dad's lie, Rebekah is my sister, fear of losing his life, but caught

10-11) Why, you would have brought guilt upon us, king guarantees Isaac/Rebekah safe

12-15) Isaac crops/hundredfold, LORD blessed him, wealthy, Philistines envied, stopped wells

16-22) Abimelek, move away Isaac, he did, opened wells - leading to fights until no one fought

23-25) Beersheba; LORD appeared "I am the God father Abraham, don't be afraid, I am with you, bless you increase descendants; Issac altar called on the name of the LORD, home

26-31) Abimelek saw clearly LORD's favor on Issac, treaty/agreement/peace; feast oath

32-35) Isaac's servant well Shibah, Beersheba; Esau 40 married Judith (Beeri/Elon, Hittite) grief for Isaac and Rebekah

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