

Jesus explains how faithful, sensible servants seek the Kingdom of Heaven (Luke 12:22-59)

Key verses:

 But seek his kingdom, and these things (food, clothing, possessions) will be given to you as well. Luke 12:31

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, Luke 12:34-35

 Luke 12:22-34) Don't worry about everyday life, life is more than food/clothes, God cares for you, seek the Kingdom of God above all else, he will give all you need.

 - Thinking about life, relationships, and the kingdom of heaven Jesus said, "Look at the birds" - Luke 12:22-34

 - Idolatry inflates something to function as a substitute for GodGod's X-ray to your heart is your checkbook register

 - See how God provides and makes beauty in nature and the kingdom (Luke 12:22-34)

Luke 12:35-38) Be dressed for service, keep your lamps burning - ready for master to return

 - Rags to Riches, how the Holy Spirit changes us everyday

39-40) Son of Man will come when least expected

41) Peter, "for us or everyone?"

42-48) "faithful, sensible servant takes ownership, knows and does the masters work, much given/entrusted even more required - reward good job: in charge of all he owns"

 - Lamps with Joyful oil (Matthew 25:4, Psalm 45:7)

 - Words of wisdom from some awesome elders

49-56) Jesus came to bring fire (Holy Spirit) to earth (Luke 3:16), but must go to the cross first (Luke 9:44-45), yet hypocrisy prevents you from knowing this present time. (Luke 11:37-12:3)

 - Division from empty way of ancestors (1 Peter 1:18, Freedom Luke 4:18), a clean knife cut ( Holiness is freeing; evidence is a joy and peace at heart (Isaiah 35:8-10)

 - Adoption into God's family, Repentance means forsaking the old you, to renounce and abandon iniquity

 - Works the Holy Spirit does in the believers life

 - Misunderstanding trials threatens our faith

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