
Proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ

All Have Sinned Rom 3:23 All have sinned against God

Is 53:6 All have strayed from God's path
Sin's Penalty Rom 6:23 Wages of sin is death

Heb 9:27-28 Christ died for our sins
Christ paid Penalty Rom 5:8 God showed His love by sending Jesus 

1 Pet 3:18 Jesus was perfect and suffered
Salvation not Works Eph 2:8-9 You didn't save yourself, God saved you

Tit 3:5 God saved us because of his mercy
Must Receive Christ John 1:12-13 Anyone who believes in God will become his child

Rev 3:20 Jesus will come in to anyone who asks
Assurance of Salvation 1 john 5:13 We have proof that we will have eternal life

John 5:24 When you worship God you are worshipping a spirit