
Grieving is an act of Love

When we grieve it is an act of love and it's the same for God. In John 11:3,5,35-36 Jesus loved Lazarus and his family and wept when seeing where he died. We are instructed to not to grieve as unbelievers but to encourage one another with the truth of the resurrection of Jesus and the hope we have in his word (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). This is consistent with what we see in Jesus in John 11 (John 11:4,14-15,40-44). Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die..." - John 11:25-26

Jesus shows us the grieving is an act of love and now the Holy Spirit in us shows us this as well.

The Holy Spirit is the agent of God's grace in the world. Every benevolent thing we experience as believers and even unbelievers is through His work. This happened (Acts 2:16-18) as Jesus promised (John 7:39) and the prophets before him (Numbers 11:17, Proverbs 1:23, Isaiah 32:15, Joel 2:28, Luke 1:67, Hebrews 1:1). This is achieved by the new birth Jesus talked about in John 3:3-7, prophesied about in Ezekiel 11:19. Notice Joel 2:28, says "after all this (where he talked about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus)... I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind. So now in the age of Grace (or Grace period), we live in this benevolence because of God's Spirit.

The Spirit convicts us of Sin and Righteousness, Reveals truth by his word and points us to Jesus Christ.

Yet people commonly Resist, Quench and Grieve the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51; 1 Thess 5:19; Eph 4:30). I was reading a great post that explains (THREE SURPRISING WAYS TO GRIEVE THE HOLY SPIRIT). The writer says;
 we grieve the Holy Spirit when we use him to excuse our sinfulness (Ungodly behavior). The Spirit is grieved when believers are genuinely deceived or purposeful charlatans...we grieve the Holy Spirit when we pit him against the Scriptures (new un-Biblical teaching he warned us of). The Spirit guides us in the truth of the Scriptures (John 16:12-13, 14:26).
What in my life is making God's Spirit in me grieve? (one post suggests):

  • living like unbelievers (Eph 4:17-19)
  • lying instead of being truthful (Eph 4:25)
  • stealing instead of working hear (Eph 4:28)
  • using bad language instead of encouraging one another (Eph 4:29)
  • bitterness and unforgiveness instead of being kind and tenderhearted (Eph 4:31-32)
  • sexual immorality (Ephesians 5:3-5) instead of being imitators of God, his beloved children- walking in love as Christ loved and gave himself for us, a fragrant offering/sacrifice to God (Eph 5:1-2)

Grief is relieved when we come near to God, confess our sin and repent in his power. Living a new life in Christ. Remember Jesus said, ...whoever lives by believing in me will never die... Live by faith and walk close with God.

The 5 Stages of Grief & Loss
