
Offer yourself to God, freed from Sin, bonded to righteousness (Romans 6:11-23)

Romans 6:11-23
A) Don't let sin rule your body under law, offer yourself to God instead under Grace
11-12) Dead to sin, alive to God in Christ Jesus-don't let sin reign body/obey evil desires
13-14) no to sin/tool wickedness, offer self to God/tool of righteousness/Under Grace, not law
 - Under Grace has sometimes been called Law of Love, Jesus said by your love everyone will know you are my follower (John 13). Jesus said and demonstrated, "Love God, Love People - teach them to do the same."
Application - Sin is our default occupation until we understand our vocation. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, God is calling you to do right, he's made the way straight, He's cleared the path and giving you every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms (Eph 1).

B) Renounce sin, freed from it's power, wickedness stoped, shame
Application: What sin in my life needs to be abandoned, what needs to be left behind with it?
C) Offer yourself to God, obey from the heart, do right, led to holiness, resulting in eternal life
Application: Have you offered yourself to God, what evidence in your life do you see of doing right, increasing holiness?
15-18) Sin under grace, NO! offer yourselves to God, obey from the heart, slave to righteousness, not sin
19) Slaves to impurity leads to increased wickedness, slaves to righteousness leads to holiness
20-21) Slaves to sin, not obligated to do right results in shame,
22) Freed from sins power, slaves to God do right, leads to holiness, results in eternal life
23) Wages of sin is death, gree gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.