
When we change, the world changes (Philippians 2:12-15)

I was reviewing Bible Summary out of curiosity about Philippians. Specifically Philippians 2:1-18, today my mom is going on a mission trip, to minister to my sister and her husband. My family has been through so much over the years and I just wanted to encourage them to let the light of Christ shine in their hearts.

The Bible verses I was meditating on this morning was Philippians 2:12-15
(12) As you've always obeyed, continue work out your salvation (actively, cautiously) fearing God (reverently, avoid discredit to his name)
(13) For it's God who works in you, to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose
 - on a side note I'm studying Romans 8:28 this week in BSF, I love how God brings harmony into my heart!
(14-15) Do everything willingly, pure motives, shine among non-believers
 - Jesus teaches how God blesses people

Lord, give us strength today to follow where you lead. Let your will be done in us that I'd bring honor to your name. Thank you for the Holy Spirit living in me, to act in order to fulfill your good purpose. In Jesus name, Amen!

God empowers you to change the world