
False religious security of wicked, obstinate people leads to doom (Jer 6:22-8:3)

 Jer 6:22-8:3

Key verse

"This is what I told them: ‘Obey me, and I will be your God, and you will be my people. Do everything as I say, and all will be well!’ But my people would not listen to me. They kept doing whatever they wanted, following the stubborn desires of their evil hearts. They went backward instead of forward...Say to them, ‘This is the nation whose people will not obey the Lord their God and who refuse to be taught. Truth has vanished from among them; it is no longer heard on their lips." Jer 7:23-24,28

A) Jeremiah warns against false religious security of wicked people (Jer 6:22-7:15)

B) Don't be sorry, obey God and Be His People (Jer 7:16-23)

C) Obstinate people, will be destroyed by God (Jer 7:24-8:3)

AIM: Warning obstinate people never works, their hearts are senseless

A) Jeremiah warns against false religious security of wicked people (Jer 6:22-7:15)

22-26) LORD, "great army, planning your destruction, no escape, mourn, loss of only son

26-30) Jeremiah tester of metals, quality of people - rebel, slander, hard as iron leading others into corruption, furnace doesn't purifies them, wickedness remains, "rejected silver"

  • The sun that melts wax, hardens clay

7:1-7) Another message to worshipers at temple, quit your evil ways, thoughts, deeds - start loving neighbors, justice, orphans, widows 

  • True worshipers in Spirit and Truth, not a temple made by human hands. 

8-11) Don't be fooled, Temple bearing my name doesn't shield law breakers, den of thieves, evil going on

12-15) Like Shiloh, Tabernacle bore my name - wickedness of people, refused to listen, destroyed, exiled

Application: Is my heart hard as metal, refusing to listen, repent and put the cast on my shoulders. Am I my own problem - suffering and dying because of a "stiff neck." Woe to me, stop walking in sin, listen to the Lord and be healed. 

B) Don't be sorry, obey God and Be His People (Jer 7:16-23)

16-19) don't weep or pray, wicked people, dough, cakes, Queen of Heaven, hurt God, themselves, shame

  • Wowza! clear "wrong turn" of the Catholic Church, not that Protestant churches haven't made many wrong turns as well.

20-23) Fury, consumed by unquenchable fire, not offerings and sacrifices, obedience to God, we will be his people. 

C) Obstinate people, will be destroyed by God (Jer 7:24-8:3)

24-26) didn't listen, stubborn desires, evil hearts, backward, not forward, not listening or trying to hear, worse than ancestors. 

27-29) Speak, they won't listen, national disobedience, refusal to be taught, rejected and forsaken by LORD

30-34) People sinned in LORD's sight, abominable idols Temple bearing name, killing offspring

  • We are the LORD's temple, Christian bearing Jesus name in a land of abortion

8:1-3) Day of the LORD, our legacy, from greatest to least will be erased, idolatrous survivors wish for death.

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