
Waiting on the Lord with trust, hope, expectation (Isaiah 40:31)

 Isaiah 40:31

but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. ESV

Growing up my mom sang, "Have patience, have patience, don't be in such a hurry. When you are impatient you only start to worry. Remember, remember that God is patient too, think about the times when others have to wait for you." 

Waiting for the Lord is also translated as Hope in the LORD, Trust in the LORD, wait upon the LORD. The Amplified says, wait for the LORD [who expect, look for, and hope in Him]. 

  • Praying for a group of guys this morning who are part of regeneration as we go through Groundwork study. Let us be honest, clear minded and self-controlled so that we can pray. 
  • Praying for Teen Challenge Alpha at Portland house. For each man represents a son, husband, father, grand-father, neighbor, co-worker... Let the Love of Christ free them from addiction and bring everlasting peace and joy that impacts the world for the glory of God. 
  • Praying for our New Believers BSF group and Arab speaking groups. Specifically for those believers in Lebanon, Syria, North Africa, Iraq. May the Lord protect them, as they shine like a beacon of hope for those around them. 
  • Praying for SALT Interfaith dialog, bringing Christians, Muslims and Jews together to talk about Reconciliation, Forgiveness and Hope. Let the message of Christ be a fragrance of salvation for everyone who hears it. 
  • Praying for each Group Leader in BSF, let them joyfully connect with each class member this week and each class member connect with another for a divine appointment via breakout rooms. Help us spur one another on to love and good deeds, for the glory of God.
  • Praying for my family, those far and near. Help us to reach out and show we care for one another and build bridges across gentle streams. Help us discover low barrier connection points to share the love of Christ with family who is suffering. 
Enjoying a time of fasting, having been encourage by SALT praise and encouragement, "your 41 is coming" from significance of 40 days in the Bible

  • God destroyed the earth with water, He caused it to rain 40 days and 40 nights (Genesis 7:12)
    • Noahic-covenant, came after the water receded, what led up this was 100 years of preaching to people who didn't listen. 
  • After Moses killed the Egyptian, he fled to Midian, where he spent 40 years in the desert tending flocks (Acts 7:30). 
    • Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights (Exodus 24:18). Commitment to obey is followed by instruction. 
    • Moses interceded on Israel’s behalf for 40 days and 40 nights (Deuteronomy 9:18, 25). Reminding that we are all guilty before the Lord and depend on him. We are blessed because of the promises of God alone. 
    • The Israelites wandered for 40 years (Deuteronomy 8:2-5), discipline is a sign of love (Heb 12)
  • The Law specified a maximum number of lashes a man could receive for a crime, setting the limit at 40 (Deuteronomy 25:3). 
  • The Israelite spies took 40 days to spy out Canaan (Numbers 13:25). Faith see possibilities and reward, unbelief wilts away and dies. 
  • Before Samson’s deliverance, Israel served the Philistines for 40 years (Judges 13:1)
  • Goliath taunted Saul’s army for 40 days before David arrived to slay him (1 Samuel 17:16). 
  • When Elijah fled from Jezebel, he traveled 40 days and 40 nights to Mt. Horeb (1 Kings 19:8)
  • The number 40 also appears in the prophecies of Ezekiel (4:6; 29:11-13) and Jonah (3:4).
  • In the New Testament, Jesus was tempted for 40 days and 40 nights (Matthew 4:2). There were 40 days between Jesus’ resurrection and ascension (Acts 1:3).

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