
True worship is submitting yourself to God wholeheartedly (Jer 17:11-18:17)

focus verse: 

O Lord, if you heal me, I will be truly healed; if you save me, I will be truly saved. My praises are for you alone! Jer 17:14

 Jer 17:11-18:17

  • A) Worship the LORD with your whole self and find living water, healing, and salvation (Jer 17:11-18)
  • B) Keep the Sabbath Holy and receive incalculable blessing (Jer 17:19-27)
  • C) God molds us and re-molds us until he see repentance (Jer 18:1-17)

A) Worship the LORD with your whole self and find living water, healing, and salvation (Jer 17:11-18)

11-12) WORSHIP: Wealth by unjust means is lost by fools, worship LORD instead

13) APOSTASY: all who turn away/abandoned LORD (fountain living water) are disgraced, dead

14) FAITH: LORD, if you heal me, I'm truly healed, save me, I'm truly saved, I praise you alone

15) People scoff, what message from LORD, predictions don't come true

16) WORK: LORD, I've not abandoned my job as shepherd, patient, in your presence, hoping in you alone

17-18) Don't terrorize me but double on them, meshame/dismay on perecuters, not me.

B) Keep the Sabbath Holy and receive incalculable blessing (Jer 17:19-27)

19-23) LORD says: stop carrying your trade on Sabbath day, make it holy, pay attention, accept discipline 

24-26) Obey me in Sabbath and city will be strong forever, blessing everyone with offering/thanksgiving to the LORD's Temple.

27) Refuse me in Sabbath and I will set fire to gates spreading to palaces

  • Application: we have two choices in life, obedience or refusal

C) God molds us and re-molds us until he see repentance (Jer 18:1-17)

1-4) Potter working his wheel, jar didn't turn out, so he crushed it into a lump and started over

5-10) As clay in potter's hand so we are in God's hands; God announces destruction but if nation renounces evil ways, I won't destroy as planned. If announces blessing but then nation turns to evil and refuses to obey, I won't bless.

    11-12) Jeremiah warns about disaster instead of good, turn from evil ways, do what's right

    • Does God change his mind?

    13-17) LORD, "snow capped mountains, reliable cold streams? not so, people deserted, incense worthless idols, muddy path, land desolate, stupidity, scattered - LORD turned back on them, refuse their distress

    Diagnostics of a depraved psychology and consequences (Romans 1:18-32)

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