
Devotion to God enables visibility and employment in his kingdom (Matthew 6-7)

 Matthew 6-7

Aim: Praying with God leads to righteous living


A) Doing good from consistent devotion to God, we see the kingdom of God (Matthew 6)

B) People enable us to join in God's purpose for love (Matthew 7)


A) Doing good from consistent devotion to God, we see the kingdom of God (Matthew 6)

6:1-4) Carefully do what's right, helping people quietly and unobtrusively, God rewards

 - Same for prayer (6:6) and fasting (6:18)

 - Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters (Col 3:23)

 5-8) Pray to God, not people - God knows what we need before we ask him, God rewards

9-13) Model prayer to Father in heaven, honored/holy name, His kingdom, will, supply, forgiveness, deliverance

14-15) To be forgiven we must forgive others

16-18) Fast with God in secret, God rewards

19-24) Store treasure in heaven, eyes project light, healthy full of light, unless all they see is darkness.

 - Principle: Where you put treasure, your heart will follow

 - Application: What heavenly investment opportunities do you see?

25-34) Worried about daily needs like food, clothing: see God's blessing to birds, flowers - Seek first his kingdom AND his righteousness

 - The Eagle, the Parrot, the Ostrich and the Dove

B) People enable us to join in God's purpose for love (Matthew 7)

7:1-6) Judgmental of another? Look to correct yourself first. Sacred, holy mysteries aren't slogans. 

7:12) Ask, seek, knock - Father in heaven gives good gifts to those who ask

 - Principle: Matthew 7:12) In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you (sum law/prophets)

13-14) Enter through the narrow gate, this is Jesus, small/narrow road that leads to life (Luke 13:24, John 10:7, John 10:9, 14:6)

15-20) False prophets try to look like sheep, but look at the fruit of their lives (Luke 6:43)

21-23) Discipleship is not just about words, power, good deeds but the will of Father in heaven

 - rejoice in LOVE. (Luke 10:20, Acts 19:13, 1 Corinthians 13:1-1-3)

 - Foolish virgins had no oil for their lamps - "go buy some for yourselves", keep watch (Matthew 25:1-13), Other "servants" hid his ability and lost what he thought he had (Matthew 25:14-30), Sheep see serving desperate people in need as doing this for Jesus himself (Matthew 25:31-46).

 - What will time in the grave be like? How long will my oil last, my eyes that see? (Psalm 6Psalm 30:9,Psalm 88:10-Psalm 88:12,Psalm 115:17,Ecclesiastes 9:10,Isaiah 38:18)

24-29) Wise people put Jesus' words into practice, like building your house on a rock.

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