
Love will slow you down - to your benefit

My friend Kevin has me thinking more about Sanctification bringing me to Shabbat Rest, why you need it today Our culture tells us slow is bad but God says, Love is patient (1 Cor 13:3). 

The only one of the Ten Commandments we don't encourage each other to follow and actively help each other to break is "honor the Sabbath" 

We were made to work ANDS made to rest. 

Colossians 2:16, it's not about what others think about what you do or don't do on Sabbath, Col 2:17 - the substance belongs to Christ.

 - We can see Jesus in the Sabbath that you can't get without it. "I will give you rest...learn from me"   Matthew 11:28-30

Practice the Sabbath in communion with Christ. Internally slowing down. "He makes me lie down." Psalm 23:2

Big idea: We need to stop and be with the Lord, our design is 24 hours every week (Gen 2:1-4). I get to meet with Kevin and other friends around the world every Friday night with BSFonline.org. Our time together is God sanctifying me through an intentional commitment of weekly time. Where two or more are gathered in my name (Matthew 18:20, Matthew 28:20).

Application: who do I need to invite into a Sabbath rest, a community meal, bless the Lord, and bless each other intentionally with the guest of honor, the Lord. How do I see the Lord working in their lives? How can I communicate the love of God around the table and draw others in, receiving and giving blessings? Making divine connections.

Exodus 31:12, the Lord spoke to Moses. Sabbath is a sign, "I am the Lord who sanctifies you." 

HALT: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired? These lead to sin, we are searching for rest.

People die because they don't adhere to resting. (Exodus 31:13-16,17) In six days he labored but the seventh day - he was refreshed. Not because he tired, he took a breath - catch your breath

Duet 5:12, Observe Sabbath  -keep it holy, Sabbath of Lord your God. Remember you were a slave, yet now rescued by God. God does it, Sabbath we remember. I don't do it God does it for me. Radical statement of faith to rest. 

When I slow down I see God provides, tangibly. Who am I, what is my identity? Is it my work or my position in the family of God? What will last forever? Jesus hung on the Cross the day of preparation: It is finished: Getting rest in Christ (Upperroom Sundays at 9pm)

 - Pastor had the thought "I live in many, but I rest in few." Will you become a place of rest for God? 

Application: Give Sabbath a chance for God to "surgically" remove besetting sin

Arm yourselves also with the same attitude as Christ (1 Peter 4:1-4)

Real Christianity, pursue holiness

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