Revelation 17
AIM: Satan deceives people for their eternal destruction
A) John is show a great prostitute on a beast
(1) one of seven angels, who poured the bowls - "Come I'll show the judgement/punishment/doom going to great prostitute/harlot, rules many waters (influencing nations)"
(2) kings committed adultery, people who belong to the world, drunk by wine of her immorality
(3) angle took John to wilderness, woman sitting on
AIM: Satan deceives people for their eternal destruction
A) John is show a great prostitute on a beast
(1) one of seven angels, who poured the bowls - "Come I'll show the judgement/punishment/doom going to great prostitute/harlot, rules many waters (influencing nations)"
(2) kings committed adultery, people who belong to the world, drunk by wine of her immorality
(3) angle took John to wilderness, woman sitting on
- scarlet beast,
- seven heads,
- ten horns,
- blasphemies against God written all over it
- wore purple/scarlet clothes,
- gold, precious stones, pearls,
- held a golden cup filled with abominable/obscenities/filth/impurities of her immorality/adulteries
- (5) Mysterious name: Babylon the Great, Mother of all prostitutes (false religions, heresies) and Obscenities/Abominations in the World/of the earth
- (6) she's drunk with blood of God's holy people, witnesses/martyred for Jesus (bore testimony to Jesus), Rev 13:1-10
- John's starred/marveled/ completely astonished/amazed
Application: How am I compromising my testimony with immorality, false religion and wealth?
B) Angel explains who the woman and beast are
(7) angel "wonder/marvel/amazed/astonished? I'll explain the mystery.."
(8) beast, once was, now is not, will come from abyss
- bottomless pit, dwelling place of demons (Matthew 8:28-34 Demon possess with legion)
- go to destruction/perdition/ eternal destruction (Hell)
- Inhabitants of earth, who belong to this world, not in the book of life from the creation of the world...amazed at the reappearance of this beast who died yet is
(9) This calls for mind [with/which has] wisdom/understanding
- Seven heads of beast represent seven hills where woman sits/rules, also seven kings
- (10) five kings already fallen, sixth now reigns, seventh yet to come but for reign will be brief
- (11) Scarlet beast (from Rev 17: 3,8) is the eight king of/belongs to the seven heading to destruction/perdition/hell
- (12) ten horns, ten kings not yet risen to power, will reign with beast a brief moment
- (13) One purpose/mind, all agree - give their power/authority to beast
- (14) wage war against the Lamb (Christ) - Lamb overcomes/defeats/triumphs over them - He is Lord of lords, King of kings (Hallelujah - Messiah (Handel) and those with him called, chosen, faithful followers
Application: How do I use wisdom and understanding to help people be freed from Satan's deception?
C) Angel explains the beast hates and devours people, fulfilling God's word
(15) Angel said, "waters you saw...peoples, multitudes from every nations and languages
(16) Scarlet beast, his ten horns hate the prostitute,
- strip her naked (stripped of power/influence), eat her flesh, burn her remains with fire (Luke 16:19–31 Rich man and Lazarus)
- (17) God put a plan into their hearts/minds (Rev 17:13) to accomplish his purposes - they give authority to scarlet beast so/until the words of God are fulfilled
(18) the woman is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth/world
Application: Who will I share the truth about eternal hell with?