AIM: To follow Jesus to the kingdom of heaven
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What 1,400 square miles of Holy City looks like |
(Rev 21:9) One of seven angels, from last plagues (Rev 15-16), "see bride, the wife of the Lamb"
(10) in the spirit, mountain John sees Holy City, Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God
(11-12) with glory of God, brilliance jewels jasper, clear crystal, high wall, 12 gates/12 angels named 12 tribes of Israel
(13-14) 3 on east, north, south, and west, wall had 12 foundations names of apostles
(15-17) angel measuring rob of gold, laid out as a square, 12,000 stadia (1,400 miles), walls 144 cubits (216 feet) thick
(18-20) Wall jasper, city pure gold, clear as glass, foundations decorated with every kind of precious stone - jasper, sapphire, agate, emerald, onyx, ruby, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, turquise, jacinth, amethyst
(21) twelve gates/pearls each made from single pearl
- Matthew 13:44-46 - Kingdom of heaven like treasure in a field, a pearl of great value - worth everything we have
- Revelation 17:4;18:12,16 - The worlds treasure is doomed (Rev 18)
(22) no temple, the Lord God Almighty and Lamb are its temple
- 1 Kings 8:1-21 - the earthly temple built to honor God
- John 2:19-22 - Jesus body is the temple, torn down - then raised to life on the 3rd day
- 1 Corinthians 6:19 - We are the temple of the Holy Spirit
(23) City doesn't need sun or moon for the glory of God gives it light, Lamb is it's lamp
- Exodus 13:21 - God shown as pillar of cloud/fire
- Psalm 119:105 - God's word is a lamp
- John 8:12 - "I am the light of the world" whoever follows me will have light of life
(24-26) Nations walk by its light, kings of earth bring splendor into it, gates never closed at end of day - days don't end. Glory/honor of nations brought into it
(27) Nothing impure will ever enter, nor anyone who does shameful/deceitful - only those written in the Lamb's book of life
Application: How am I living in the light of the gospel and building the kingdom of heaven.
B) John sees the river of life flowing from God's throne
(Rev 22:1) angel showed the river, water of life, crystal clear, from throne of God and Lamb
(2) down the middle of great street each side stood tree of life, bearing 12 crops of fruit, yielding monthly, leaves are for healing
(3-4) No longer any curse, throne of God and Lamb in city, servants will serve him, They'll see his face, his name on their foreheads
(5) no more night, sun not needed Lord will give them light and they will reign for ever and ever.
Application: What evidence in my life points to the fruit of Spirit (Gal 5:22-23)