
Love, Belief and Works are hallmarks of disciples of Jesus

John 13:31-14:14
AIM: Jesus is clear about what his followers look like

Key verses: 
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 
 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” - John 13:34-35
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. 
No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

A) Love: Jesus commands unconditional love, predicts Peter denial
(31-32) Now Son of Man glorified and God in him
(33-35)  Where I am going you can't come, New command Love one another like I love you, everyone will know my disciples
 - Mark 12:31, more than you love yourself
(36-38) Peter "where?" can't follow now but will later/ I'll lay down my life/Really? you will disown me 3 times before morning
Application: how do I love others like Christ loves me?

B) Belief: Jesus teaches how to come to God
(14:1-3) Don't be troubled, believe God and me/Father's house many rooms - 1 prepared for you I'll come back for you
(4-5) You know the way...(Thomas) Lord we don't know, how can we
(6-7) I am way, truth, life no one comes to Father except through me - know me, you will know my Father
Application: what beliefs do I hold about God, Jesus, heaven, promises that are contrary to what Jesus has said?

C) Works: Jesus' words and works prove he and Father God are one.
(8-9) Philip Lord show us Father enough/don't you know me by now
(10-11) I am in the Father, believe on the evidence of works/Father living in me, doing his work
(12) whoever believes, will do works I've been doing and greater BECAUSE I'm going
(13-14) I will do whatever ask in my name, Father gloried in Son you MAY ask me, my name, I do it
Application: When will I take Jesus at his word and ask him to do something that glorifies the Father?
