
Know Jesus Christ and who you are in Him

Jesus is the central figure of God's redemptive plan for humanity found in the 66 books of the Bible. Jesus was born on Christmas (see Luke 1-2) and died the "Good Friday" before Easter, Easter is the celebration of the bodily Resurrection of Jesus - the fulfillment of prophecies concerning the Christ. Psalm 22; Isaiah 53 describes how Jesus was to die on the Cross for our sins. The resurrection is famously described in Psalm 16:10.

If Jesus is the Christ, why is the world filled with evil, hatred and killing?
John 3:16-21 describes the Gospel of Jesus and why this "Good News" doesn't seem to impact people. This was also prophesied by Daniel (Daniel 9:26) "the Anointed One will be killed, appearing to have accomplished nothing"

However, Jesus accomplished what he had promised in John 13-16, we see his resurrection happened as he said and God's Holy Spirit has been received by repentant believers since the church started in Acts 1-2. And believers have been compelled by God to share this Good News with the world (see why here: Matthew 28:19; Matthew 24:14; Psalm 96:3; John 20:19-23;John 14:6; John 12:48)

If you believe in Jesus, it's a gift from God (Ephesians 2:8-10). If you don't - Satan, the devil has blinded your eyes (2 Cor 2:4-5).

Who are you "in Christ"?  (Scriptures)
  • Chosen by God
  • Called by God
  • Justified by God
  • Reconciled to God
  • Redeemed by God
  • Adopted by God
  • Regenerated by God
  • Set Apart for God
  • Sanctified by God
  • Kept by God
  • Glorified by God

Good resources:

Jesus said he would be resurrected and it happened: John 2:19-22; Revelation 1:18; Matthew 28:6; Acts 1:3; Luke 24:39