
Big picture of christian servant leadership

Christian servant leadership is divinely fueled, ministry minded and brings the gospel to people.

Christian Leaders:
  • (Col 1:24) Are willing to pay the price
  • (2 Cor 11:23-26) Paul’s taking the gospel message forward no matter what
  • Suffering and hardship is because of righteousness, not sin
  • Never asked how can I get out of this
  • Suffer
  • Physical, antagonism outside church, attacks in the church, heartbreak of sharing people’s pain
  • John 15:20 – Jesus said, expect to suffer
  • (Col 1:24-25) Have a ministry mentality
  • Minister = servant
  • Mark 10:45 Jesus came not be served, but to serve others
  • Worldly leadership: Power, influence, leverage, make things happen, top down
  • Christian Leadership: compassion, humility gentleness, generosity, patience, servanthood, bottom up
  • Servant of God, his Church and his Word
  • (Col 1:28) See the Big Picture
  • Mission statement
  • Proclaim, warn, teach,
  • Reach, teach, equip, send
  • (Phil 1:18) – false motives, doesn’t matter Christ proclaimed
  • …One thing church can do the world can’t, extend grace (paraphrase) – Gordon MacDonald
  • …New approach needed
  • What should I put in, not take out
  • Not our rights but our responsibility
  • (Col 1:29) Know the Source of strength
  • Don’t work in your own strength (Phil 4:13)
  • Do things in “through him” who “gives strength”
  • Different leadership styles
  • Power – serving
  • Profit – over people
  • Strong survive – strong most to give
