
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, leaders plot his arrest

John 11:1-56
Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life.[e] Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. John 11:25
AIM: Jesus raises the dead so that we may believe

A) Lazarus dies while Jesus is away and Jesus builds his disciples faith
(1-3) Lazarus sick, Bethany - Sisters Mary (Perfume John 12:3) & Martha to Jesus "one you love sick"
(4-6) Jesus, sickness not death, God's glory - God's son - loves Mary, Martha, Lazarus - stayed 2 days
(7-10) back to Judea, disciples worried/Jews stone you - walk daytime won't stumble
  • Wisdom and understanding (Proverbs 3:21-26)
  • Must do works of him that sent me while it is day (John 9:4)
  • Walk while you have the Light (John 12:35)
  • Whoever loves his brother remains in the light, and there is no cause of stumbling in him (1 John 2:10)
(11-14) Jesus, Our friend Lazarus fallen asleep, I'll wake him/He's dead
(15) and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. (recurring theme, believe 85 times in Gospel of John)
  • He testified concerning light - so that through him all might believe - John 1:7
  • All who did receive him, those who believed in his name, he gave right to become children of God John 1:12
(16) Thomas said "Let us also go that we may die with him"
  • Application: Thomas had great faith, he later doubled Jesus resurrected (John 20:24-29), like us his intentions were greater than his actions since he fled with the others at Jesus arrest (Matt 26:56). Where do I need to tone down the retorical zeal and get real with progressing in my faith? How am is my prayer life? When do I spend quality time with Lord, seeking him and his presents in my heart and life? What sin of "bold empty words" do I need to confess and ask for his cleansing? 
B) Jesus raises Larazus from the dead and build the faith of Martha, Mary and mourners
(17-20) Jesus arrived, Lazarus dead four days, Behthany 2 miles from Jerusalem, Jews morning with family Martha heard Jesus was coming went out to him
(21-23) Martha affirms God gives what Jesus asks, Jesus affirms Lazarus will rise again
(24-26) Martha believes in the resurrection at the last day, Jesus affirms I am the resurrection and the life anyone who believes in me will live even when dying
(27-32) Jesus Martha confesses belief in Jesus Christ, Son of God then calls Mary to meet Jesus by tomb
(33-37) Jesus saw mourning, was deeply moved in spirit and troubled, wept some doubted him others saw genuine love
(38-44) Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead with his voice

  • Lazarus was resuscitated (Jesus uniqueness should affect our Christian walk)
  • Application: Prayers for loved ones matters, God can "resuscitate" those in our lives who appear totally dead even for 4 days, 4 years or a lifetime. Praying God would work this miracle for those whom I love, praying earnestly for resuscitation, that they may know it was God who did that work and bring him glory, trusting Jesus as Messiah, the Son of God, Savior and Lord.

(45-48) People present believed in Jesus, told Pharisees who met with Sanhedrin, worried

  • 48) "If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our temple and our nation."
  • Application: People can be worried/skeptical/cynical when confronted with the "good news of Jesus Christ's life, death, resurrection and certain return" - they see us "losing our life" for something that is not perceptible to them. If this is you, I would recommend you do the work to see if the claims in the Bible are accurate and true. Humbly ask God for his help, believing that he will help you understand.
C) Pharisees and Sanherin plot Jesus death
(49-53) Caiaphas, the high priest prophesied Jesus would die for the Jewish nation, scattered children of God making them one - and plotted Jesus' death. Parable of treasure (Israel) and the Pearl (Children of God) (Matthew 13:44-46, John 11:51-52)/div>
(54-57) Jesus withdrew from public to wilderness Ephraim w/disciples - Passover people looked for Jesus, chief priest/pharisees put out a "warrant for Jesus arrest"

Application: We are told not to prosthelytize at work, school and in the public squares. Their is a time for everything, even here we see Jesus withdrawing after a monumental victory. Where is God calling me to withdraw from for a season to be with my brothers and sisters in Christ? What victories of faith and Christ working in and through me can I thank him for today?