
Faith in God is expectantly praying to Him and following where He leads (Psalm 5-6, Matthew 5-6)

Psalm 5 is a prayer, asking God to listen, pay attention to groanings and cry for help. He prays each morning bringing requests and waiting expectantly (1-3). The Lord is against those who are wicked, proud - murders and deceivers. (4-6). God's unfailing love allows us to enter, worship, Psalm 5:8
Lead me in the right path, O Lord,
    or my enemies will conquer me.
Make your way plain for me to follow.
Sinful rebels are caught in their own traps, but those who take refuge in God rejoice, blessed and shielded by love (Psalm 5:9-12)

Matthew 5 Jesus teaches about Heavenly blessings we receive in repentance to God and how that impacts our relationship with other people (1-16). Then Jesus affirms the law of Moses and prophets and clarifies the meaning of righteousness, judgment, and hell (17-48).

Psalm 6 is a prayer about our weakness, agony and sick heart. A cry to God for rescue with expectant faith.

Matthew 6 Jesus teaches about giving to the needy for their sake, not for show and how we should pray to God in relationship to him, not for show like hypocrites (1-18). Jesus teaches God's love for us and how he meets our needs, that people are God's treasure and His kingdom is what we should seek rather than obsess about our desires (19-34).
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.