
Proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ (Matthew 10:7)

Psalm 10, Matthew 10
Today was serendipitous, Pastor Troy preached on Psalm 10 and I'm lagging on my writing through the Psalms and Gospel reading plan.

Here's my notes on the first of his sermon series Honest to God:
Psalms are helpful because they are honest.
 - tough questions, real answers
 - bridge from pain of life and power of God.

Suffer and pain reactions
 - denial or dissection 
 - Psalms deal honestly with pain yet points us to God

Psalm 10:1, why is Lord hidden, far away
 (Injustice, lack of intervention, apparently uncaring)

Christian faith has room for honest lament.
 - We don't need to protect God from hard questions

10:2-4, Arrogant, greedy, wicked schemes live and think "there is no God"
 10:5-6) outrageous and frustrating success
10:7) abusive speech
10:8-10) intentional ambush
10:10) effectively crushing
10:11) without fear of God

Prayer  (crying out to God in honesty 12-13, and faith in His character 14, justice 15, sovereignty 16, personal "friend" of faithful people whose only hope is Him 17-18, Hebrews 11:1,6-7)

1.  Continue to turn to God, 10:12
 - We put our hope in God's ability to make things right 
2. Cling to faith
 - God sees and cares (look what God has done in the past)
 - God's "silence" is not absence, 3 days if silence before Jesus was raised from the dead.
3. Count on God's judgment 
 - 1 Peter 2:23, Jesus our example didn't retaliate but trusted in Jesus
4. Confidently rest in who, not why 
 - Psalm 10:16-18, God is good.

In Matthew 10 Jesus tells us how to be a witness and go about our lives with a ministry centered approved. "As you go proclaim the kingdom of heaven is at hand"
 - Ministry (healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing the lepers, casting out demons) is done for free (Matt 10:8-10)
 - Give peace and let it peace return to you in all circumstances (11-31)
31 Fear not, therefore; (AX)you are of more value than many sparrows. 32 (AY)So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, 33 but (AZ)whoever denies me before men, (BA)I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.

38 And (BH)whoever does not take his cross and (BI)follow me is not worthy of me.39 (BJ)Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.


40 (BK)“Whoever receives you receives me, and (BL)whoever receives me receives him who sent me.