
Takes just one person to spark dramatic change

"Change: Ice Cream Evangelism" - Mark 5:1-6 - Dr. Larry Thompson, Pastor Emeritus First Baptist Church of Ft. Lauderdale
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Mark 5:1-6 NLT - Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Man 

Phil 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength 

Taste of Christ life that's so wonderful we tell people. Just tell your story

Takes just one person to spark dramatic change.

Gerasenes, place of Gentile - Jews didn't go there. Like us today relating to North Minneapolis, downtown at 11:30 pm... "crazy people on drugs screaming at night" 

There are times we must cross over to the places where others do not go.

Matthew 8:30-32
Demons couldn't keep the man away from Jesus. Demons acknowledge Jesus.

Mark 5:18-20
Jesus, sends the man back home to proclaim the great things Jesus had done. 

Jesus said "don't tell anyone" before, now he tells him go tell.
 - this guy didn't know scripture 
 - he didn't go to church or have Christian friends
 - he only received healing/restoration from Jesus 

Mark 6:53-54
The people recognized Jesus at once. They crossed the lake and anchored their boat their boat on the shore.
 - they recognized Jesus, from the testimony of one man
 - one man took Jesus at his word...

Why are you different? If you've never experienced Jesus, it's hard to talk about. If you have it's hard not to talk about.