
Difference between transgression and iniquity

True for believers and non-believers:
Lust begins with a look
Proverbs 27:20 - eyes are never satisfied  
Matt 5:28,29 - looks with lust, adultery in heart, Eye pluck it out

What if you didn't know it was wrong? Leviticus 5:17 “If anyone sins, doing any of the things that by the Lord's commandments ought not to be done, though he did not know it, then realizes his guilt, he shall bear his iniquity."

Difference between transgressions (outward movement) and iniquity (lust, inward motivation). Both sin. Iniquity starts in the eye, not the heart. Impurity affects your family. Iniquity is passed on to children (Psalm 51:5, Exodus 20:5,34:7)
Isaiah 53:5 wounded for transgression, bruised for our iniquity

Sexual immorality affects your relationship with God
 - Because with it you open yourself up to a family of evil spirits. You lie, you don't believe God...
 - Sneak around, develops an appetite 
 - You learn to have a covered relationship with God, stiff arm the Holy Spirit, conscious is seared

Impurity will affect your future (don't let lust take your life: Proverbs 7:23)
 - Satan would have said to Joseph, nobody is going to know. 
 - Repent don't continue,  James 1;14 (desires/lust drags us away, sin to death), don't be deceived James 1:16
 - Accountability, honesty, day by day
 - How can we repent when we've already been seared, desensitized, and living deep in sin?

Hear God speaking to you (Deut 5:24) commit to putting Him first in your life (Deuteronomy 11:13) put yourself under his care TODAY (Psalm 95:7). Today, if you hear his voice don't harden your hearts (Heb 3:7,15,4:7)

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