
God's mercy revealed through grace extended by prophets and apostles (Romans 11:1-32)

"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/c_s_lewis_162523" - C.S. Lewis
AIM: Promises are worthless to people without faith
Reminds me of God is faithful on the way to the promised land,  Miraculous provision and good news is only useful with faith

Romans 11:1-32
A) Chosen people reject God, yet he spares some according to his grace (1-10)
1-2) God didn't reject Isreal, Elijah and Paul (tribe of Benjamin) are proof
3-4) Elijah pleaded with God and God spared some (1 Kings 19:10,14,18)
5-6) Likewise, now remnant is chosen by grace (through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus Romans 3:24)
7-10) Seekers of self-righteousness are hardened
 - They didn't achieve righteousness because they didn't pursue faith (Romans 9:31-33)
 - Isaiah 29:10-14; Psalm 69:22-26 ;Matthew 13:12-15 ;John 12:37-43 ;Acts 28:24-28
 - Same light that softens wax, hardens clay

B) God's people receive the promises by faith in and repentance to Him (11-24)
11) God's people beyond recovery? No. God's salvation to others, realize what's forfeited.
12-14) We show life change in others to stir up God's chosen to seek the truth, saving some
15) They rejected, rest of world offered salvation, their acceptance more wonderful - LIFE!
16) Abraham, patriarchs, batch of dough holiness, roots of tree
 - Deep meaning of bread, dough in the Bible relating back to Exodus, Passover meal - bringing something forward over time. Dough used today could be from 4 generations ago
 - Bethlehem means "house of bread", Jesus is the Bread of Life
 - The root of Jesse, a tree is known by it's fruit. Psalm 1:1-5, like a tree by the water
 - The tree of life lining the river (Revelation), it's leaves will heal the nations
Applications: What life lessons are you bringing forward to strengthen the next generation? How does "daily bread" and God's word influence your ability to bring life change where it's needed?
17-21) Branches broken off (not believing Christ), olive shoots grafted in (believe Christ) - receiving promises, don't brag (but focus on God) - pride cuts you off
 - Blessing (that it may go well with you - no matter what Rom 8:28)
 - Family (Cain said "look what I did", Abel said, "Look what you did")
 - Nourishment root God (Man does not live on bread alone) - faith, hope and love last forever (1 Cor 13:13)
22-24) God kind (to trustees) AND severe (to disobedient) AND forgiving (to repentant) AND life-changing (new heart)
Application: we extend God's offer to everyone who will hear

C) The gospel shows God's character of mercy and love to all who receive Him (25-32)
25-27) Understand this mystery (God's previously hidden plan) All Israel (believing Jews "true Israelite" John 1:47) will be saved as Scripture affirms
 - Isa 59:20,21; “And this is my covenant with them,” says the Lord. “My Spirit will not leave them, and neither will these words I have given you. They will be on your lips and on the lips of your children and your children’s children forever. I, the Lord, have spoken!"
- Isa 27:9 (Hardened v25) to take away all her sin
28-31) many chosen now enemies of the gospel, yet the call is irrevocable (Romans 5:12-21), disobedient rebels receive mercy
32) God imprisoned all in disobedience to show mercy to all
 - Every tongue, every tribe, every nation, every people group (Rev 5:9,7:9
The gospel call, relationships and power (Romans 1:1-17)
Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ (Romans 5:12-21)
Suffering in Christ, with Holy Spirit brings unfathomable hope (Romans 8:17-30)

Romans 11:1-10; Romans 9:31-33; Isaiah 29:10-14; Psalm 69:22-26 ;Matthew 13:12-15 ;John 12:37-43 ;Acts 28:24-28 ;Romans 11:11-24; Romans 11:25-32

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