
Freedom on the inside prepares you for free choice when you get out

As a mentor, I've not done my part faithfully. I've not prayed consistently or been present with my friend before the Lord. I found myself sad to see my friend wavering. So I repented and God gave me another chance. He spoke to me in his word, "where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am", "what you bind on earth is bound in heaven", "I will never leave you, nor forsake you", "everyone who calls upon my name will be saved", "In the name of the Lord I cut them off", "Psalm 118"

My friend wrote me today:
This what I'm about to say is a big step bud. And I'm doing it because its a good idea and its part of submission. I place you in authority over me, if there is something with in the law you ask me to do I will. I make this oath God as my witness.
I make this oath God as my witness. To never steal again, no matter how big or how small if I can't afford it I'll go with out. I now have integrity.
I make the oath to never revert to using meth or any other mood altering chemicals. I will not associate primarily with those who do unless it is to try and help them as a profession,or it has to do with my immediate family,God as my witness.


Freedom on the inside prepares you for free choice when you get out. This is your 100% moment! Praise the Lord! I promise to hold you to your word. To keep you in the bond of Integrity, to pray for you daily.

That the Lord would deliver you from temptation (Matt 5-7), to remove any negative desire (James) and replace it with the peace that only Jesus can give (John 14-15). The peace that surpasses understanding (1 Peter 4). That you would be empowered to for every good work (2 Tim 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1), guided by the Holy Spirit (John 16). That people would see you and know Jesus Christ.

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