
We need people in authentic relationship, accountable together (Ecc 4:9-10)

SPECK Bible study method
  • Sin to avoid
  • Promise to claim
  • Example to follow
  • Command to obey
  • Knowledge about God

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NASB)
9 Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. 10 For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.

Yesterday I was talking with my friends at work about how I approach new teams. I put God first, then family, then people, then work. I help them understand that I care about them first and I've found that great work, flows from happy, healthy relationships. In EMAW, I'm seeing this concept reinforced in a triangle:
Building Blocks of Discipleship:
Life Issues Men face
  • Marriage, children + Money, work
  • Going through hard times + moral purity (great connection)
  • Making your life count
The top is God's Specific Calling on your life

WAR: Father, thank you that you are the God who sees me. You know me completely and lovingly correct me (Heb 12). My heart is yours, I'm willing to trust and obey your call on my life today. Give me the strength to follow where you lead. To be the son that brings honor to your family name. Thank you for my brothers on Monday - bless each one richly today as we've asked. For SALT and Light today (Jim, James, Jason, Meghan, Guy). For JPAY (Jason), let your grace protect, restore and develop him this week - heal his body for your glory. For my family, healing, and restoration - new beginnings, new mercies. For our Alpha group (Andrew, Eric, Dawyne, Curtis, Wade, Chuck, James, Tony, Riley, Dylan). For each leader on Saturday, thank you for Chris, Randy, Andy, Rich - may you enable us to grow closer and more genuinely together in our training time. Yes lord, as you've said, as you desire may it be so. In Jesus name. AMEN

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