
Joshua divides the land according to God's promises (Joshua 13-21)

Joshua 13:1: Our starting point – God’s call to Joshua to act on His promise and complete the conquest
Joshua 21:43-45: Our destination – God’s promises fulfilled

Between the start and finish, what are the landmarks? The examples of faithful Caleb and Joshua, the only survivors of the previous generation; the western tribes’ inheritance begins and ends with these “bookends.”

  • Two examples of faithful women (Joshua 15:13-17; 17:3-4). 
  • Two bad examples (Joshua 17:14-18; 18:1-3). 
  • Repeated words or themes: God’s promise, inheritance and boundaries. 
  • A warning refrain: Failure to possess God’s promise fully endangers the nation. 

13:1) seven years pass, Joshua now 90, Lord says, "still work to be done - get the land"
2-7) God promises to drive them out, commands Joshua distribute land to Israelite tribes
 - God gave power, they're responsible to act in faith to possess all He had promised.
 - God works in, through and for His people as we love and obey Him by faith. (Philippians 2:12-13)
 8-33) Reuben, Gad, 1/2 tribe of Manasseh, Levites taken care of, commanded Love and obey God wholeheartedly (Joshua 22:4,5)
14:6-15) Caleb 85, receives the inheritance he had believed in for 45 years before it happened.
15:1-63) Judah's inheritance
 - 15: 13-19) Caleb's daughters Aksah, Othniel later became Israel's first judge
16:1-17:18) Joseph's inheritance
 - 17:3-16) Zelophehad's daughters boldly stepped out in faith, asked and received
18:1-10) Remaining tribes delay
 - unthankful hearts and shallow faith hide behind excuses
 - Joshua challenged the people to come and recieve what God had promised them
18:11-19-:48) Remaining tribes inheritance
Principle: Even when consequences remain, God delights to bless all who turn to Him in repentance and faith.
 - Southern: Benjamin, Simeon
 - Northern: Zabulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, Dan
* Centuries later, the prophet Isaiah said of Zebulun and Naphtali, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.”40 After many centuries more, the Light of the World41 shone brightly on these areas when the Messiah Jesus lived and taught in Galilee.
19:49-51) Joshua's Inheritance Timnath Serah hill country, Ephraim, Joshua lived for the Lord
20:1-21:42) Including the cities of refuge, the Levites received 48 towns from the 12 tribes:

  • Judah and Simeon together – nine towns
  • Naphtali – three towns
  • The half-tribes of Manasseh – two towns each
  • The other tribes – four towns each

 - Priesthood of believers: 1 Peter 2:5, 9; Revelation 1:5-7; 5:10
 - Living sacrifices: Romans 12:1-2; Philippians 2:17; 2 Timothy 4:6
 - Our portion: Psalm 73:25-26
21:43-45) God's unfailing promises 

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