
We listen to and follow the Lord, He listens to us giving victory (Joshua 10-12)

Conque Conquest of Canaan, Part 1
Joshua 10 - 12

A) Trust the process (Joshua 10:1-10:27)
1-4) Adoni-zedek king Jerusalem, Gibeon made peace w/Israel - plan w/ 4 other kings, against Gibeon
5) five kings of Amorites camped & fought; 1) Jerusalem, 2) Hebron, 3) Jarmuth, 4) Lachish, 5) Eglon
6-7) Gibeon asked Joshua for help, Joshua's warriors went
8-11) Lord said, don't fear them, I've given them to you - Joshua marched all night to them, Lord Confounded them, threw large stones from heaven killing more than Joshua did.
12-13) Joshua spoke to the LORD, "sun stand still -till avenged themselves of enemies" book of Jashar, it did for whole day
 - Natural events in response to our prayers. Saturday 4/14/2018 - huge blizzard to bring Joy and Darren home, many miracles at that time. This gave us 24 hours to pray and prepare to leave Colorado.
14-15) No day like that before/after when LORD listened to voice of man, fought for Israel
 - in that way. but perhaps even greater Nineveh prayed - God answered and didn't destroy (Jonah 3:5-10), a wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign and it's the sign of prophet Johan (Matt 16:4), came to save that which is lost (Matt 18:11)
16-21) five kings hid in cave, Joshua rolled stones against them, pursued the armies and slaughtered them - no one uttered a word against sons of Israel
22-27) Come near put foot on necks of kings
 - The promise from Genesis, fulfilled in Christ and in us (Trample scorpions, don't collect them (Luke 10:19))
 - “Do not fear or be dismayed! Be strong and courageous, for thus the Lord will do to all your enemies with whom you fight.” So afterward Joshua struck them and put them to death,
Principle: Trusting in God’s plan gives us peace and courage

B) Momentum (Joshua 10:28-11)
28-33) Lord gave victory to Joshua captured, struck, destroyed Makkedah (1 day), Libnah/Lachish (2 days) - Horam king of Gezer, Joshua left no survivor.
34-40) Lachish to Eglon to Hebron back to Debir to Negev - left no survivor as Lord, God commanded
41-42) from Kadesh-barnea as far as Gaza from Goshen as far as Gibeon Joshua captured the kings and land because the LORD God fought for Israel. Landed in Gilgal
11:1-5) Northern kings as many as sand on seashore with horse/chariots together at Merom to fight Israel led by:  Jabin of Hazor, Jobab of Madon/Shimron/Achshaph
 - "dragon stood on the sand of the seashore, Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names." - Rev 13:1
 -  Abrahams promise (Gen 22:17), Moses promise (Deuteronomy 1:7), fulfilled in Jesus (Heb 11:12)
6-9) Lord said "don't be afraid tomorrow I will deliver all of them, hamstring horses, burn chariots - so Joshua attacked them, he hamstrung their horses and burned their Chariots
 - God made the promise, Joshua believed and did what the Lord said would be done
 - Application: we are to receive the promise and take action
Never underestimate the power of God’s Word to change a person’s heart
Satan deceives by questioning God's Word, denying it and substituted his own lie
True worship: Living on the exciting edge of miracles

Principle: Spiritual victories is the start of spiritual momentum so build off it.

C) Record (Joshua 12) from BSF Notes:
Chapter 12 reviews the victories God gave as He defeated kings and brought His people into the promised land. The Lord kept His covenant with Israel and His promises established long ago through Moses. “But the LORD your God will deliver them over to you, throwing them into great confusion until they are destroyed. He will give their kings into your hand, and you will wipe out their names from under heaven. No one will be able to stand up against you; you will destroy them.”
Kings destroyed: Deuteronomy 7:23-24

Principle: God sees and knows every individual and their response to Him
Principle: Recording your spiritual victories is honoring and sharing God’s glory.

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