
We need to know God, not just know about God

In an article Where is God in All of This?, Bev Moore talks about the benefit of knowing Biblical truths to help get through trials, suffering and the "valleys" of life.  For instance, Peter explains that we experience trials to purify our faith and to prove it genuine (1 Peter 1:3-7) and to not be surprised by suffering but actually rejoice (1 Peter 4:12-13). This is counter-intuitive to anyone who doesn't know God.

When teaching children about who God is, I'll tell them about a strong man, his accomplishments, what I've seen him do, how great he is. This is all good but still very abstract and distant. Then I'll give them the name of my dad, then I'll ask them if they think my dad knows my name too. And if my dad could tell them about me and what would he say? Our God is called Heavenly Father and His son is Jesus Christ. Jesus is fully God and fully man, he was the last sacrifice for all sin, acceptable to God - proven by the resurrection. God has no grand-children and Jesus has no cousins. We are children of God and brothers and sisters in Christ. You can't inherit faith, you must open your heart to God and ask him to come in and give you a new life.

These ideas brought me back to a book I purchased while going through the Faith Biblical Counseling course years ago. It's called Preach the Gospel to yourself (Paul Tripp). Here's a recap of his message: https://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/preach-the-gospel-to-yourself

15 Martin Luther Quotes on Preaching the Gospel to Ourselves
But the Christian says: I believe and cling to him who is in heaven as a Savior…. Thus the Christian faith differs from other religions in this, that the Christian hopes even in the midst of evils and sins. Without the Holy Spirit natural man can’t do this. He can only seek refuge in works. To say, ‘I am a child of God,’ is accordingly not to doubt even when good works are lacking, as they always are in all of us. This is so great a thing that one is startled by it.

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