
David experiences God's providence and protection with Jonathan (1 Sam 18-20)

This week's lesson outline is:
A) David's success and Saul's jealousy (18)
18:1-4) Jonathan makes covenant with David, loving him as himself
5-9) David’s victories bring praise from troops, women, angering Saul
10-16) Saul tries to kill David, becomes more fearful as Israel loves David
17-23) Saul tries to give 2 daughters as wives, David humbly refuses
24-30) David kills 200 Philistines as bride price; Saul more fearful as David more successful
Principle: God gives His children power to serve with humility
Application: Where am I misunderstood or wrongly treated and how do I respond? What attitudes can I ask God to change to allow me to serve fully and humbly, even when mistreated?

B) David's security in Saul's pursuit (19)

Principle: God's children can trust Him in suffering
C.   David's support from Jonathan's friendship (20)
       Principle:  God's children should expect opposition and God's care

Aim:  God's people suffer opposition but are surround by God's care

Attribute:  Preserver - No one can take you out of God's hand.  God preserves us as He accomplishes His purpose for us.

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