
David experiences deadly consequence of sin, receives grace to live (2 Samuel 13-18)

AIM: God's grace is greater than all sin
A) Sin’s relational, life consequences – 2 Samuel 13
1-14) Amnon obesses, plots and rapes sister Tamar
 15-22) Amnon hates Tamar for being godly
 23-39) Amnon murdered by half-brother Absalom
Application: Do I rightly count the cost of your sin for yourself and others?

B) Suffering in Faith – 2 Samuel 14:1-16:14
14:1-33) Joab, devises a plan to reconcile Absalom to David
 - No true reconciliation can be experienced without
genuine repentance of sin and forgiveness offered and
received in God’s way
 - Grace never minimizes or makes excuses for sin. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11;
2 Corinthians 5:17
15:1-12) Absalom's lust for power, conspires to steal throne
15:13-16:14) David flees to Jerusalem with Ark, Hushai spies, Shimei cursed David - Abishai wanted to avenge - David prevents it
 - Grace is greater than sin

C. Strength in God – 2 Samuel 16:15-18:33
16:15-17:23) Ahithophel's advises Absalom to lie with David's concubines and murder David
 - What the culture condoned and counsel advised, God’s Word condemned
17:24-18:18) David overcomes army of 20,000, Joab kills Absalom (honored by selfish pillar
18:19-33) David grieves over son's death
 - Sin brings grief, grace brings peace
 - All people are responsible for their own choices to sin.

The progress of grace in our lives:
Messianic prophecy: 2 Samuel 7:8-17; Psalm 16:9-10; 110:1; Matthew 22:41-46; Acts 2:31; 13:35
Prophecy fulfilled: 2 Samuel 12:11-12
Brokenhearted: Psalm 34:18
Not of the world: John 17:15-17
Righteous suffering: Job, 1 Peter 4
Iniquity: Isaiah 53:6; 2 Corinthians 5:21
Forgiveness: 1 John 1:5-10
Thanksgiving and contentment: 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Hebrews 13:5
Renew: Romans 12:1-2
Righteous suffering: 1 Peter 3:13-5:11 

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